
Zara's journey... Foot prints in the snow...

The last month has been interesting, testing, exciting and liberating! After christmas and hitting rock bottom a short while before. I made myself some new aims. New years resolutions of sorts. But for me it has meant more than that. It goes deeper than simply saying. I am going to drink less. and then sticking to it. i had a few simple aims. that hopefully when combined and kept up would lead to a happier and healthier me. 1) return to therapy (am onto week 5 and doing ok..) 2) eating more healthily. (eating less but just as much junk!) 3) excercising more. (now swim on average of 700 lengths per week- my stomach and legs have slimmed, i am firlmy down a dress size and seem to have more energy on most days.) 4) to learn not to care about people that i feel i need to please .. but at the end of the day. dont really care for me and have no interest for my wishes. (have now distanced myself) 5) no drinking to solve problems. (still drink. but no more crying myself to sleep at night after half a bottle of wine.) i hope this can encourage others of you out there to try this. i really do feel happier! :-D

APA Reference
(2011, March 1). Zara's journey... Foot prints in the snow..., HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, September 27 from

Last Updated: January 14, 2014

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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