

Anthony D'Aconti
The first time I saw actress Jennifer Lawrence on the silver screen – for her critically-acclaimed role as Katniss Everdeen in the Hunger Games – I was nothing short of impressed by her incredible talent and acting ability. Considering the unprecedented success of the film, it’s safe to say I wasn’t the only one who found Lawrence captivating on her mission to conquer the epic battle known as the Hunger Games. But there is something else about Jennifer Lawrence that intrigued me – that the actress once suffered from severe social anxiety. Needless to say, I found her battle with social anxiety as fascinating as her battle in the movie.
Anthony D'Aconti
Depression and anxiety often go hand-in-hand. The symptoms of anxiety can lead to depression and vice versa. According to recent insight from Google, the colder, shorter months of winter undoubtedly lead an increased number of people to search the web for information on seasonal depression. Interestingly, the same Google statistics show that search volume for anxiety remains relatively the same during the cold winter months as compared to the summertime. The paradox is that winter also brings on the stressful and anxiety-provoking holiday season.
Are you anxious about your worrying? Sure, you've got worries. Life is stressful, there’s a lot at stake in our daily lives, and sometimes things go wrong. Worry is part of being human. But do you worry too much? How much is too much? Where is the line between healthy worry and an unhealthy anxiety disorder like generalized anxiety disorder?
Fear is often an obstacle for women, keeping them immobilized, or holding them back from what they might otherwise lean into. I have been reading Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg, and feel validated by the stories she tells about herself growing up since I have experienced similar teasing for my leadership tendencies. Being a strong willed, opinionated, originality-loving, idea-sharing girl, had me called “bossy” more than once causing me to feel shame about who I was. While boys with similar characteristics were rewarded and encouraged.
Ayurveda means "perfect knowledge" in Sanskrit. It is a traditional medicine from Ancient Indian. The sister of Yoga. (If you have never heard of Ayurveda, do a search and you'll find loads of information!) The assumption in Ayurveda is that there are three elemental substances in the body called doshas.  They are vata, pitta, and kapha. At each moment these doshas can be in states of aggravation cause emotional and physical health to be compromised. The treatment of Ayurveda seeks to pacify these doshas.
Let's talk about he blame game, forgiveness and guilt. Did you ever wonder why people feel guilt even though they have done nothing wrong? Humans have the psychological need for order. If something they experience is chaotic; blame is the easiest way to make order of it. Sometimes we blame ourselves and sometimes we blame others. But most of us go back and forth between the two.
Truth by definition is absolute. It is definitive. It is what it is and that is it. However, I have come to believe that not much is true in the literal sense. What we believe is perception, not the truth.
Anxiety is worse than wasted time. Wasted time is just lost time, but anxiety is suffering time. Much worse.
Yesterday I was talking to a four year old about her worries. Four year old worries are very interesting if you know what I mean. Her worries just began a month ago. And while many children who grow up in unsafe situations often get worries; her worries were introduced to her in a way worries are often introduced to safe little girls–purely by accident.
Driven yourself nuts lately? What drives me the most nuts is when something happens that bugs me. I feel sad, scared, or worse, angry. Then, I judge myself: That was stupid. It is not as good as I wanted. It's my fault. No it is theirs.