
Bipolar Disorder and Relationship Breakups

Are people with bipolar disorder more likely to act viciously towards a person after a relationship breakup or after getting rejected? I can only speak as a woman with bipolar 2 disorder, and my answer is, no we are not. In this video, I explain my reasoning and share my personal experience dealing with breakups and bipolar disorder.

The reason people believe that bipolar breakups are bad is that rarely do we hear from the person with bipolar disorder and get their side of the story. Why? When you live with a mental health condition, your truth isn’t given nearly as much weight as what the person without a mental illness is saying. This is not to say that I am not personally at fault for emotionally overreacting in some situations, but it is my defense mechanism as a woman who lives with bipolar disorder. I am learning how to respond instead of reacting with my emotional extremes. A person with or without a bipolar disorder is at risk for acting out in extreme ways when it comes to getting their heart broken. It's a human thing, not a bipolar thing.

As someone who lives with bipolar disorder, how have you dealt with a relationship break up? Do you agree that people with bipolar or any mental health condition are more susceptible to this type of scrutiny? Please share your thoughts or send in a response video to Thanks! Hannah
Hannah posts a new video every Monday morning on the HealthyPlace YouTube channel. You can help spread awareness and understanding by sharing this video or playlist. And if you find the video helpful, I hope you'll give it a thumbs up.

I'm Hannah. I Have Bipolar 2 Playlist:
I Have Bipolar Too blog:


The Stigma of Bipolar in Relationships |
Should People With Bipolar Be In Relationships? |
Looking to a Relationship to Fix Bipolar |