When Do You Need Inpatient Treatment For Bipolar Disorder?
If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, you are more than familiar with the complications that arise on a regular basis. The extreme shifts in mood, ranging from mania to depression, can be exhausting and, if not properly managed, can pave a path of destruction in the individual’s life. In general, the goal of bipolar disorder treatment is to stabilize mood swings and prevent the highs and lows associated with bipolar disorder that put the patient, and those around him/her, at risk. But what happens when things go awry?
Treatment program: Lauren Hardy M.A., writes on behalf of Delta Medical Center, which offers inpatient and outpatient hospital care for chemical dependency and mental health concerns. The staff at Delta Medical Center focuses on quality care in a warm and friendly environment that is conducive to healing.
APA Reference
Hardy, L.
(2014, October 22). When Do You Need Inpatient Treatment For Bipolar Disorder?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved
on 2025, March 5 from https://www.healthyplace.com/blogs/mentalhealthtreatmentcircle/2014/10/when-do-you-need-inpatient-treatment-for-bipolar-disorder
Author: Lauren Hardy, MA
I have borderline personality disorder AND bipolar disorder plus a.d.d. It is hell trying to live with this. I have been on all kinds of meds. My personal relationships are screwed up, I go for men who abuse me (before it was just mentally. Now it's physically...), I can't keep a straight job, I am attracted to dangerous men, have poor impulse control, abuse drugs regularly, lie, manipulate, etc... I'm a wreck!
Whomever wrote that piece above portrays Bipolar people as demons dehumanizes us. Saying how we r manipulative. I have struggled with Bi polar for over 19 years i inherited from my dad and his dad before him. I have listened and respected the advice of my therapist. Unfortunately havent attended therapy in a long time. I know when my systems are coming so i control my temper, i dont have friends and i dont go out much. We are not monsters we need help we are misunderstood.
Thank you so true im having an episode now and idk what to do my kids r name calling and i have to move now by the 1st im feeling so anxious and. Don't no how to talk to my dr i need inpatient i no it
This is not expressed well linguistically thus makes no sense. You say you are a doctor, but in what country?
Hospitalization of psychiatric patients exhibits difficult and challenger intervention for both: psychiatric patient and for its close relatives. On the other hand, inpatient treatment of patient with mental disorder imply great and unforeseen professional engagement, as well. As far as is concerned to patients with bipolar disorder, the issue become more intrigued. Even yours observations are useful, the mater in clinical practice of psychiatric care service is accomplished with serious and risky professional demands for experts of mental health care system. Bipolar patients are the most manipulative contingent of psychiatric patient, because they are able to simulate any symptoms, due to theirs non-impairment cognitive and executive functions. Beside this disproof characteristic, bipolar patients are alluring ones, that could compromise the work-out of any member of psychiatric professional staff. Furthermore, bipolar patients dissimulate many signs and mental problems, that render more difficult proper psychiatric treatment of in patient category. These and many others clinical features of bipolar patient grow up the necessity for serious and careful review of indications for inpatient model of treatment of patients with bipolar disorder. Otherwise, we would expose ourselves to many sinister consequences along inpatient treatment of bipolar patients. However, it ought to implement with dispassionate whole set of above-mention indications of hospitalization to patients with bipolar disorder, in order to prevent fatal consequences of uncontrolled behavior of this kind of mood disorder.
Ok. First off, I’m Bipolar I w/OCD, hallucinations, the whole damn thing, and reading your post (and trust me, it was difficult to get through. Grammar must not be a top priority with all your years of “medical training” and college). Get over the person who broke up with you! [moderated]
Sinister? Manipulative? Where did you get your medical training? Also if you do not have sufficient demand of the English language, you are likely to be misunderstood. [moderated]
honey that is par for the course. only he can change what he does voluntarily. if you talk with him while he is doing ok about this issue and develop a plan to let him know when he is starting to go off the rails before it goes too far ... if you do it while he is stable ... then maybe he will listen to you when he is in crisis, but maybe he never will. i am sorry you have to go through this, but some people just have trouble with this for their whole lives.
What if the bipolar person is your spouse of over 25 years and doesn't understand that he needs help!?
He has nver went voluntarily , but either in hand cuffs or by ambulance!!?