
Body Dysmorphic Disorder - My Story

I've suffered B.D.D (otherwise known as Body Dysmorphic Disorder or Dysmorphia) on and off for the past three/four years. When I first started putting videos up on YouTube in November 2007, the comments I received about my weight hurt me so much that I launched an extremely dangerous but incredibly proactive effort in order to make myself healthier and thinner. To this date, I have lost 60+ pounds, though my symptoms and anxiety from it continue. To everyone out there who suffers Dysmorphia, is worried about their weight or is afraid of what other people might think of them, this is to you -- YOU are your own person. What YOU think matters. Know that no matter who you are or what you look like, YOU are beautiful, physically, in a way that someone else can relate to. In the end, that's the only thing you can tell yourself. You must be your own personal advocate for your happiness in regards to your weight.