
PTSD Recovery Tips

Using a 12 step program for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recovery, in addition to traditional PTSD treatments, has been helpful to my recovery. Adapting the steps to trauma-related PTSD is easy and the benefits that I have gotten from working the steps has lessened my PTSD symptoms and improved my life. While 12 step programs are generally only thought of as useful in treating alcoholism and addiction, I have found that using a 12 step approach for PTSD recovery is favorable in other situations as well. In previous posts, I have covered the first three steps and steps four, five, and six. This post focuses on steps seven, eight and nine of the 12 step approach to PTSD recovery.
Applying the 12 step approach to posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recovery is just one way that I have found to strengthen my PTSD recovery and improve my life. Because the steps that are commonly used for addiction recovery are all about learning to live life in a new way, they can successfully be applied to many things other than drug addiction and alcoholism. I've used the 12 steps for my alcoholism, codependency, and PTSD, and I have found that if you are open-minded and willing, they really do work. I wrote about applying the steps 1 -3 last time, so here are steps four, five, and six to help you apply the 12 steps to PTSD recovery. 
Applying the 12 step approach is one way to enhance posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recovery. Because many of us who suffer from PTSD have also suffered from drug or alcohol addiction, I think applying the 12 steps to our PTSD recovery only makes sense. If we are finding relief from our addiction by using the 12 steps, which teaches us a new way to live, then we can apply that new way of living to our PTSD recovery as well. Even for PTSD sufferers who don't have a problem with drugs or alcohol, I believe the 12 step approach can be helpful. 
Recovery from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) comes in many forms, one of which is utilizing the transferable principles of a 12-step program in PTSD recovery. Many of us who suffer from PTSD also suffer from addiction to drugs or alcohol, myself included, and we use the 12 steps as a tool for our recovery from addiction. Applying the 12 steps to my PTSD recovery is something that I have found helpful, and you may, too.
In PTSD recovery, the freeze response can be difficult for some to understand. Have you ever been so terrified, that all you could do is freeze in your tracks, afraid, or even unable, to move? If so, you may have been experiencing the freeze response to fear, which is a common symptom of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The freeze response is a normal, physical response to extreme fear or trauma. However, if you are a trauma survivor who has been diagnosed with PTSD, the freeze response may not be serving you well. The physical response of freezing, feeling paralyzed, or feeling like you are out of your body (dissociation), can be triggered by events that are not at all life-threatening for those of us with PTSD (PTSD and the Freeze Response). In other words, our response doesn't fit the current situation. Dealing with the freeze response can be frustrating, but you can deal with the freeze response in PTSD recovery.     
Grounding techniques for anxiety can be very helpful in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recovery. The anxiety that those of us with PTSD suffer can be frightening and frustrating; whether it comes in the form of flashbacks, nightmares, or full-blown panic attacks. Using grounding techniques for anxiety in PTSD recovery to remind ourselves that we are alright, and in no imminent danger, is one way to help.
Avoidance is common in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) sufferers when triggered. Wanting to hide or run away from certain situations or avoiding negative emotions that come up is almost automatic for me when I'm dealing with PTSD symptoms. PTSD Symptom avoidance, especially emotional, may work to alleviate feelings of anxiety and panic for the short-term, but in the long run, avoidance can worsen PTSD symptoms and make life more difficult.
The anniversary of a traumatic event can send those of us with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) into a tailspin, bringing up negative emotions and PTSD symptoms more than usual. Coping with these feelings and reactions can seem overwhelming, frustrating and even useless, but I have found that there are ways of managing them when that time of year rolls around. Trauma anniversaries can be an opportunity for growth and healing if you allow them to be.
An important element of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) recovery is to ask for help; but that didn’t come naturally for me (Are You Afraid To Ask For Mental Health Help?). My PTSD was caused by domestic violence while I was growing up in an alcoholic household. I learned at an early age to never ask for help and I had to overcome that learned behavior in order to recover. In my PTSD recovery, I had to learn to ask for help.
Finding out that you have posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can be something that is hard to deal with and accepting your PTSD diagnosis is hard, too. It may be, quite simply, a diagnosis that you don't want to hear. However, I have learned that accepting my PTSD diagnosis has made living with PTSD much easier. There is a freedom and a positive side to life after I accepted my PTSD diagnosis and even learned to embrace it.