
PTSD Recovery Tips

I received an email from a client last week; he was very upset. Usually, he's the kind of guy who likes to travel on the drop of a dime but since PTSD began to control his life, he’s noticed that traveling takes an enormous toll on him. After even the smallest trip, he wrote, "I have to sleep all the next day. Is this part of the PTSD profile?" In a word: Yes.
If you've survived a type of trauma and are now in some form of recovery from its effects, chances are you're movingatwarpspeed. You could probably win the Indie 500 with little to no practice just by sitting still. Decisions, actions, behaviors, thoughts and emotions can all seem amped up when you live with anxiety, fear, panic and hypervigilance.
If you have PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), you’re no stranger to excessive feeling, acting and behaving. Think of it this way: Living with PTSD, you are like a pitcher filled to the brim with water. As long as no one and no thing pours more water on the pitcher, it can stay at capacity and not overflow. You can hold yourself together, cope and manage if, not easily, at least often somewhat effectively. When more water is added to the pitcher, however, what happens? That’s right! The liquid overflows and there’s just nothing you can do about it.
Since your trauma have you noticed that the smallest decisions have become ENORMOUS???? Since your PTSD symptoms surfaced, have you noticed that even the tiniest choice seems to exacerbate your feelings of panic, anxiety, fear and apprehension? If you answered ‘Yes!’ to either of these questions you are soooo part of a crowd (a/k/a: you are not alone!).