
Gambling Addiction Recovery in Support Groups

July 25, 2024 Kevin Anyango

Gambling addiction is a battle fought largely in silence, but recovery support groups can change that. The shame and stigma associated with the addiction make it hard for most to open up about their struggles, making recovery even more difficult. One of the tools that has been truly helpful in my journey is participating in recovery support groups.

I still remember my first gambling addiction recovery support group meeting. For the first time, I felt seen, heard, and understood. Sitting in a room filled with people who had experienced the same emotional turmoil, financial ruin, and shattered relationships made me realize I wasn’t alone and that recovery was possible.

Why Recovery Support Groups Matter for Gambling Addicts

Being surrounded by people who genuinely understand what you are going through can be incredibly validating and empowering. Recovery support groups provide a safe space to express your feelings, fears, and frustrations. 

You get to share your journey with people who are on a similar path and learn their coping strategies, such as how they manage their gambling triggers and deal with relapses

Recovery support groups are also a great way to ensure you remain committed to your recovery goals. The regular meetings keep you anchored to your goals, and the success stories from others remind you that gambling recovery is not just possible but attainable. 

Finding Your Ideal Recovery Support Group

Here are some of the things to consider when looking for a recovery support group:

  • What is the group focus? -- Some groups might focus on specific aspects of recovery, such as relapse prevention or financial management. When looking for a recovery support group, look for one that aligns with your current needs.
  • What experience level do others have? -- I also recommend choosing a group depending on your level of experience. When I started my recovery journey, I found that joining support groups with more "beginners" made the process easier. We were all on the same level. We had just quit gambling; hence, no one fell behind.
  • What is the location? -- Are you looking for an offline or online recovery support group? Today, there are numerous gambling addiction recovery support groups on the Internet. They are somewhere you share your journey anonymously. There are also forums on Reddit and other social media platforms.
  • What is your comfort level? -- Consider the group size and what kind of environment you feel most comfortable in, whether hybrid, online, or offline. Would you prefer a large group or a smaller, more intimate setting?

Through my recovery support group, I have learned that you do not have to walk the journey alone. Others share the same story as you, and through their experiences, you can maintain your progress. I have found strength through sharing my experiences, developed coping mechanisms, and built a support network that is now helping me in my recovery journey.

APA Reference
Anyango, K. (2024, July 25). Gambling Addiction Recovery in Support Groups, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 17 from

Author: Kevin Anyango

Kevin Anyango likes to say, "I am still me, no matter my mental health." Find Kevin on Twitter

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