
Schizophrenia and Parenting: Step In or Let Go?

May 31, 2011 Randye Kaye

I have an adult child with schizophrenia. Parenting is about the precarious balance between stepping in to help - especially where mental illness is concerned.

A message comes to me via social media, along with an invitation to connect. It simply says, "My 27 year old child has schizophrenia, but will not get treatment." Oh boy, can I relate to that. Unfortunately, this is a major dilemma facing all of us who deal with mental illness in our families.

Parenting is always about the precarious balance between stepping in to help, and letting go to allow learning from experience. From a child's first steps to his or her first relationship, car, job, apartment...when to give advice? When to help? When to step back and watch them sink or swim?

For the parents of a child without a physical or mental illness, this process is difficult enough; for those who are dealing with illness in our children, it's that much harder. The consequences of stepping aside, of letting go, could be disastrous: poverty, hospitalization, an arrest, flight, or even - tragically - suicide.

Schizophrenia and Freedom Without Parents

Back when a hug was all it took...

My own son, Ben, 29, has just moved from seven years in a group home (24 hour staffing) to his own apartment. There is some support - a caseworker, medication supervision - but also a new lack of structure. No required group meetings. No chores scheduled. No one - except the roaches - to know if he washed the dishes or not.

Am I excited for him? Of course. Am I concerned? You bet I am. Is there much I can do? Only some things. He could crash, he could cheek his meds, he could oversleep and miss an appointment, he could become lonely and isolated. But if I call to see how he is, he sees right through me. "Mom, I'm fine. I'll get to work on time. Of course I' m taking my meds. I'm fine in the apartment all alone on my day off. Yes, I"ll unpack soon."

So I let him live. Alone. And I watch from the wings, ready to alert his caseworkers if I see any warning signs. Three days ago I saw the unmistakable (to me) signs that Ben had missed a day of meds - so I sounded the alarm to all new staff members who donot know his tricks yet. And now he's okay again - so far.

Now I only see him on family occasions, or on rainy days when he can't take his bike to work. Could he wind up in the hospital again if I am not there to witness symptoms? Yes, of course. And I hate that. But we have only so much control.

Parenting My Adult Son with Schizophrenia

As always, we do what we can and then hope for the best. Keep an eye out for trouble, and our hearts in a place of faith in Ben and his ability to make the adjustments to this new life. Scary? Oh yes. We do the best we can for our loved ones -secretly or openly - and then sometimes all that's left is to take care of ourselves and the rest of our family.

My mantra at these times? "Whatever happens, we will handle it somehow."

I don't always know how, but I know that we've managed before, and will again. And I ask for help when I need it.

APA Reference
Kaye, R. (2011, May 31). Schizophrenia and Parenting: Step In or Let Go?, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 22 from

Author: Randye Kaye

December, 2 2015 at 5:06 pm

My sister came back from Iraq, after hotel was bombed while she was asleep. This was 10 years ago. She suffers PTSD and is delusional now, thinks I work for FBI and two months ago left my mothers home. We found out after 2 months she is now in New York, we live in Dallas. Someone called us saying they found her on the stairs of a church. They wanted us to pick her up, we said she won't get in car with us, she thinks we are after her. The system is broken, we can't do anything for her, she was a Dallas police officer for 12 years. Are family is drained, we pay for hotels, extended stays because she moves every 2 months.

November, 15 2015 at 8:58 am

I've been through all of this over the past 20 yrs. My son was first diagnosed at 17 when was in architecture school at the University of Miami. We made arrangements for him as outpatient program at a nearby hospital after bringing him back home. At that point, he moved into a group home and then his own apartment. I'm fortunate, we have a family law practice and he worked several years doing very well. Every three years he would go off his meds and and start drinking. This always ended very badly and he would be back where he started. At one point while living in a group home he started going back to college and finished a five year degree in architecture. That was in 2006, when the economy tanked. All the architecture firms were laying off people. He had lots of wonderful interviews but no one was hiring. That led to more drinking, going off meds and two hospitizations. This is the way it goes. He has to be brought in by the police, usually for doing something violent . This last time he bashed my head into the microwave. He is angry at himself and somehow ends up blaming me. He was hospilized for two weeks and this time his doctor and my husband outlined a very detailed self improvement plan. He was willing to do anything this time to improve his life. We were resistant to allowing him to come back to the apartment we had provided him. He has been back fo five days and has complied and is reengaging with his treatment plan. It's an ongoing challenge to keep moving forward. The goal is to establish clear boundaries and expectations. Establish a relationship with a good psychiatrist with admitting privileges to a psychiatric hospital. If you can keep insurance coverage,or work at getting SSI or SSDI and Medicare or Medicaid. Connect yourself and loved ones to NAMI or Thresholds if you live in Chicago. It's so hard and so labor intensive, but it can lead to stability of the family unit. Sometimes I do feel as though I would like to wash my hand of the whole thing because the stress is overwhelming. I do know that would lead to homelessness in most cases and it would be even more difficult to get them back to stability. I have decided to keep moving forward to help my son live a stable life. You can find solutions but it really take knocking on a lot of doors until one opens.... My heart goes out to all of you. Take a deep breath and I just want to encourage you to try to make a plan and stick to it. If you work the plan in a calm manner, things will improve. God Bless

Randye Kaye
October, 6 2015 at 6:28 am

Oh, Ian, thanks so much for sharing your story. It sounds heartbreakingly familiar, and people who haven't gone through this may be unaware of how mental illness affects friends as well as family. You did your best, and please know there is probably not much else you could have done.
One of the most difficult symptoms of schizophrenia is called anosognosia. According to NAMI, "When we talk about anosognosia in mental illness, we mean that someone is unaware of their own mental health condition or that they can’t perceive their condition accurately." We who love those with mental illness know how hard it is to use reason - and how ineffective it is when the inner world of our loved ones has a very different reality.
Thank you for sharing. All you can do is be there for your friend should he ever realize he'd like some help. You can also advocate for the right to call others in to help, and for a much better system of mental health care.
In hope always,

October, 4 2015 at 8:26 pm

I lost my best friend to what I believe was Schizophrenia. I had known him since first grade, he had a rough upbringing so I always tried my best to help him out. He is one of the smartest people I know and I could always count on him to figure out the math problems that I couldn't. :) We moved out together when we were 19 and worked together for a number of years. When he was 23 I noticed he was withdrawing a bit, but he was always somewhat shy and liked his private space so I didn't think too much of it. Until we were having a graduation party and he was supposed to be there. He never showed up and went missing for a few days. He ended up calling us and we picked him up, he was wearing brand new clothes that looked almost like a costume. Something that he would never wear but for some reason was. He ended up telling us that he tried to commit suicide... There were parts of his story that didn't quite make sense so I decided to ask him about those parts. He ended up telling me that he thought we might be poisoning his food, spying on him with the CIA, and working against him for some reason unknown. I decided it may be best to call the police to see if they would 51 50 him since he did just try to commit suicide a few days before. Unfortunately, the cops showed up and informed my roommate, girlfriend, and I that he didn't have the authority to take my roommate to get help because as of that day he was not a threat to himself or others. But the cop ended up suggesting that he goes to the hospital with us and to my surprise he went. To make a long story short the hospital 51 50'd him and suggested he takes medications. Which he didn't take and now his view of us working against him was complete... I tried my best to keep touch with him but it was mentally draining and I was not at a point in my life where I could really support him. However, I feel extreme guilt for letting a friend down and wish I could do something to help. My plan is to make enough money to some how help him in the future, but by then it may be too late. He is now homeless and i'm afraid he is too far gone. I've seen him walking the streets mumbling to himself and it hurts to think that maybe I didn't do enough.
So I guess I suggest trying your best to help whoever it is as quickly as possible. Or you may lose your chance to help them at all. But I know how stressful the situation can be and understand if you decide to let them go. But my decision to let my best friend go haunts me to this day. It's been about 6 years since this all happened and I still wonder if I made the right choice. Maybe I could have helped him, or maybe the stress of taking care of him would have hurt me or my family in the long run. Maybe all of that stress would have been for nothing and it wouldn't have helped him at all.
It truly is a horrible disease and I hope in the future there are more resources for families and friends dealing with this pain.
Sorry for the rant, it just felt nice telling a part of the story.

October, 2 2015 at 10:03 am

It's been 5 years since my son was diagnosed with Sz or Sz affective. He was stable for about 3.5 years, going to college/holding a part time job but he got tired of feeling like a "vegetable". He decided to change medications (and we - mostly myself because my husband is too busy working/traveling for work ??) have always been there --supporting my son. These past 5 months and up to date , no medication tried seems to be right for him. He has been prescribed several but all of them have a side effect that he hates or cannot tolerate. He is still in this very delusional cycle that never ends! and the doctor thinks that he's making up some or all of these side effects ......I'm not sure what to think at this point. Emotionally I go from wanting to help him to being extremely angry, very angry because he is not complying with the medication.....but then who can reason with someone who refuses to go to a hospital........or complying with a medication after 3 or 4 days of taking it. The first 2 years he went to the hospital by force at least 7 times. One time it was voluntary but I feel desperate and I have to work fulltime. I'm so stressed out, He lives with us. I feel like sending him out to the streets but then, is that helping? I'm not sure if I could deal with the guilt or the fact that he will be wondering and getting heavily involved with drugs.......

Randye Kaye
September, 22 2015 at 6:54 am

Carol, so much of what you say sounds familiar. So sorry for all you are going through. Please do yourself the favor of getting some education and support - NAMI has a great program called Family-to-Family, mentioned in my book Ben Behind His Voices, which helped us so much when going through all you are experiencing. You are not alone - though you must feel alone. Take care of you, and learn all you can. There is hope!

September, 21 2015 at 1:51 pm

My husband and I have been married three years, known each other for five. He has two grown sons, 29 and 31. They both lived in the house with him when I met and married him. The 'boys' mother passed away in 2006. The youngest snapped in 2010, attacking the brother and father. No charges were filed, and the father did not let the youngest stay in a state facility. So, in 2013 both boys were in their own apartments, the youngest we watched closely, but how close can you when you aren't there? He eventually stopped taking his meds and stopped going to his counselor, the only way we know this...this past Christmas we got a call that he was in the ER. I was scared FOR HIM, not of him. I thought the worst, he had been attacked, or someone hit him on his bike, etc. Assuming that HE was the victim. Not the case, thank God NO ONE was injured. We live in a military town, so a couple days before Christmas he drove to the base, parked his truck, went to the gate guards and told them that "Jesus, has sent him to get his friend." The gate guards called the local police, and they took him to the local hospital.
My world never knew that kind of pain, that someone you love could be taken away. Like I said, I did not know the circumstances, only what my mind would allow. When I got to the emergency room, they let me in, I was looking frantically, trying to peek behind curtains, they said, "No mam, he's in the back." In the back???? I had no idea there was a back. Through double doors, and now no rooms around, a glass door with a buzzer, a camera they look to see if they let you in or not, we go in and he was strapped to a bed, no sheets, it was sad, my heart breaks now just thinking about it. He wasn't hurting anyone, yet they strapped him down. He wasn't even cussing. He was scared. I saw a teen in his eyes, not a grown man. He was sent to a local county mental hospital, and stayed for a week. Ever since he has been back in the house, some days he acts like it was an act, some days he acts like he has no idea what happened. He has been diagnosed schizophrenic, and I'm at a loss what to think. Some days he takes his meds, some days he doesn't. Yes, he lives in the house, so I check up on him, I open his med bottle and sink so low as to count the pills, then he gets mad when his father and I tell him, he needs to take his meds. If we ask anything physical of him, he says," I'm sick" But he can run around with his friend 8 -14 hours a day. He will come home at 9 and want to eat. I don't think this is "ill" but I have no idea. I question him a lot, and so now he has his father and his friend as the only ones allowed to speak to his health provider. Like I said, I have reasons to believe he can be pulling our legs, and then again, my husband thinks his son is perfect, minus his illness.

Randye Kaye
September, 20 2015 at 4:26 am

Sophia - wow, you have had so much to deal with. I am so sorry. I highly encourage you to connect with others who share this experience - and there are many more than you might think. Have you contacted you local NAMI affiliate? Please keep reaching out for help and support, and never feel guilty about taking care of yourself and your family. Anyone else on this thread with words of advice, please chime in.

Saphia Mark
September, 18 2015 at 8:54 am

My brother has been crazy his whole life and mine. My mom and dad fought the system and got him the best meds and the best help they could. He's made my life a living hell because he thought and still thinks that demons speak to him. His Schizophrenia is the worse because it fell on religion. So it goes that all his mind is consumed with is the devil. I understand now why he has the illness he had a birth defect that cause his brain not to sit level in his head. So it cause the mix up signals. Because of all this stress from my brother who pretty much ruin my life and my younger brother life growing up. Because he was hell want to fight all the time just mean and would do noway. Would not listen would not try just cause complete hell day in and day out. My dad died at age 62 and I have been looking after my mom and brother ever since. I just feel robbed of my life. I can't begin to explain the feeling I have right now about all of this. I'm one strong person I can take a lot. Recently my mother decide to go take a walk outside naked. She is old and yes there is a hint of dementia. But the real truth is she is also a Schizophrenic. I just found out and I am so upset over this. I am doubting my life and how I think and all my decisions because my family has this disease so bad in the family. I only had one child because I was so scared they would have this disease. And she is okay I guess she has her dad's genes. But no way in hell would I have had a child knowing my mom had this illness to. My life has been nothing but drama. I have taken care of them and fought the hospitals when they would not put my brother in because he was not taking his meds. I finally got the state to help me and they gave him a guardian and he lives in a nursing home. I'm just full of emotions right now I just can't believe my mom has this to. And it all makes sense now she never was happy and always upset about something and she was not a mother to me. I raised myself and my 2 brothers. Now who has a chance in hell of having a happy life when you grow up in mess like that. Well I think me surviving this is a miracle. But let me tell you something when it's your mom, your child your husband or your brothers or sisters. There is noway you can turn your back on them. They will end up on the streets either dead or have killed some one else. I wish there were more help for the mentally ill I have lived and I would not wish this no one. I'm trying to figure out now if I'm okay or am I 20 shades of bad shit crazy. any advise is much appreciated

September, 12 2015 at 9:50 am

My father has had problems for three years now. He has all the signs of a schizophrenic just like his cousin larry but was only diagnosed for depression and bi polar. He takes two pills in the morning and seroquil to sleep at night. He just recently chased my mother away with his violent threats and now im stuck with him. He thinks that the voices he hears in his head are religious figures and he believes himself to be a psychic.
I have no idea what to do. If he cant get coffee or cigars he gets violent and starts throwing things around and yelling. When i tell him im not gonna deal with that behavior he askes me where am I gonna go then, knowing that I have been unemployed since his first diagnosis. I am 34 years old and would like to finish my courses since I only need 1 credit to graduate but I have to spend my time doing everything for him. Even when he was mentally healthy he left everything up tp my mom now he is doing it with me. I miss my mother but she says she will never return. I almost feel like killing myself as a way out. That way my mom would get some insurance money and be okay for a while. I am taking a hatred to my father a serious one and if he gets in my face again I might do something like stab him up. Im gonna try to dump him off on his mother since we cant pay the bills fully here without my mother. Im completely screwed and sorry to say but suicide is looking better everyday. I really hate this situation I am in.

Randye Kaye
September, 7 2015 at 6:28 am

Hi Carrie -
I am so sorry to hear about all you are going through. At 19 years old, this "should" be a time for you to focus on yourself, and your own future. My daughter went thought many of the same feelings regarding her brother. We, fortunately, are in a good place today, as Ben is in treatment and his life is stable and purposeful for now. It is very hard to "force" someone into treatment. You must try to look out for yourself however you can; the truth is (however harsh) there is only so much you can do for your brother - and without support, it's so hard to know what to do at all. Have you reached out to your local NAMI chapter to see if there is a support group near you? That could be of help. You are not alone. All your challenges - and feelings - are normal, and shared by many others.
Your entire family could also benefit from taking NAMI's Family-to-Family Course. This information saved our family in so many ways. I hope some of this helps

September, 2 2015 at 7:40 am

My brother Johnathan is 24 years old and had officially been diagnosed with schitzophorenia about a year ago. My parents divorced when I was three (Johnathan was 8). Our father had gotten custody of us, which was a good thing because our mother was not "fit". They had both been victims of addiction, my father cleaned up, my mother is still having trouble today. Anyways we lived with my father and my grandparents. I think the first time my brothers(Johnathan, and Thomas our oldest brother) got in legal trouble they were In first grade, they got caught steeling. No legal punishment just put in cop car until they got picked up. By junior high school my brothers were smoking pot and dabbling with other things. It was their 7th and 8th year they were caught steeling cough syrup from the store. They were gonna "Robo fry" which is when you take a bunch of cough syrup and get high. They were both put on probabtion, Thomas stopped his pot smoking and other misbehaviors, long enough to get off probation anyways. Johnathan only got worse, always failing UA's, getting in more trouble, doing cocaine, extasy, stealing my grandparents pills, eventually developed a huffing problem when he was trying to stop smoking to get off probation, he would huff gas paint thinner, anything he thought would get him high it seemed like. It seemed like nothing could stop him. No matter how much my father tried to get him going down the right path, it never worked. My father ended up taking Johnathan out of school because it seemed that he was getting into more trouble there, that was his 10th grade (something my dad regrets to this day). Johnathan had no desires to do anything but hangout with friends, and have the kind of fun that only gets you in trouble. My brother Thomas was right there with him though, he just stayed out of trouble some how, so that didn't help Johnathan at all. It was a constant struggle. My 8th grade year,my grandparents died, which wrecked my father. We ended up losing the house, my father had been injured in his job was unable to work anymore. We moved in with a friend of Johnathans with no other option, but In a year or so that went bad. Me and my dad went to live with family friend, but my brothers were not aloud there because they had burnt some bridges. They were couch serfing for awhile on the was heart breaking. Everything felt so hopeless. My grandmother on my mom's side took them In. She lived in hot springs Montana, a very small town. It felt good to know they weren't on the streets but that little town would be the last straw. My grandmother supply my brothers with her methadone ( she also had a pill problem she still doesn't admit to because the doctors gives them to her). It was bad news...eventually my brothers would get involved with meth that ran rampant in that bored little town. Johnathan snapped though, got some bad dope. Next thing I know I am getting a phone call from Johnathan that the house is surrounded by police and that they are gonna fry him. Ever since that phone call, my brother was no longer the same brother I grew up with. He never talked much anymore, when we would be sitting there just watching tv, he would be starring at you with a disgusted look on his face, and when you'd ask him what's up he just looked at you. Not a word. And when he did talk, some of the most terrifying things I've heard. My grandma's had my brother for a year now. My brother thomas went to work for my uncle, and is doing good. My dad is still living with family friends, working around the house for them, and has Been trying to get on social security for sometime now. I live with my boyfriend and we have a apartment. Johnathan is worse than he has ever been. My grandma has been trying but can't do it anymore. He denies his condition, doesn't want to take meds. Every time my grandma had taken him in to get diagnosed, he would be normal, he would tell them that he didn't want my grandma back there with him and they would, he would tell them he is fine and they would just release him. My brothers not stupid, he is very smart especially when it came to the legal system,because he'd been in it so long. Right now he is still with my grandma, he is supposed to be in Idaho for probation but he has nowhere to live there. It's soo hard anymore. He has burned all of his bridges. I love my brother to pieces, I feel so hopeless...the guilt of not helping is eating at me. I feel trapped. I want him to come stay with me but I know I would be biting off more than I can chew. Let alone since he isn't in Idaho doing his probation he is surely wanted right now. I need help, I'm only 19 years old and I don't know what to do anymore. My family is so broken up, I'm scarred he will never get the help he needs. My dad doesn't even know what to do anymore. My grandmother is barely hanging on, and I'm stuck in between feeling like I need to focus on my future, and the need to help my brother before he hurts himself or someone else...I just don't know how. SORRY about the novel, just needed to let it out... it sucks so much to suffer as you have to sit and watch your brother suffer...Im on the edge.

Randye Kaye
August, 31 2015 at 10:11 am

Thank you so much for your comments here, and the courage to tell your stories. Yes, indeed, we know the struggles well - and the sadness, the loss, the heartbreak, the desperate need for help and hope.
In the four years since I wrote this post (soon after my book was published), I am happy to report that our son Ben has had improvement in his life. This was, frankly, beyond my wildest (tho realistic) expectations - and is still precarious. Two days without treatment and much would be lost. Still, I want you to know that with treatment (and structure, purpose and love/community), our loved ones can do more than just stay out of the hospital. It takes time, too, and patience - but Ben has a job, a car, friends and even aq credit card. It is possible - but someone had to give him a chance exactly when he was ready to take it. We are grateful for every good day, believe me...but also worry about the future. If we are not here to supervise medication, etc., what will happen?
Families need support and a way to plan...and so much more. This is so hard - but there is hope. We want to work to help people see possibility in those with schizophrenia. But the balance is hard to maintain. Ben lives with us now, and cooperates with the house rules. What will tomorrow bring? who knows? Parents are left, still, with the bulk of caregiving. And so we fight for the right to a future for those we love.

August, 29 2015 at 6:07 pm

Our son got mentally sick at 17 , hearing voices, paranoid etc. He used meth to hold the voices back. He is 35 now. Joe has been in and out of hospital, jails, and group homes, he has lived on the streets for weeks at a time. Sometimes taking his meds. doesn't even help that much the side effects are hard on him seems he still can't think clearly and sleeps all the time. The worst part is what is going to happen to him when we are gone? The program he is in now is pretty good compared to other group homes. He has a case worker and I alert her also to any changes I might observe but Joe has learned how to mask. There is nothing for these people to do, no where for them to go, they need to be able to keep busy. I have also seen through the years that having some spirituality helps to stop some of the pain these poor souls feel. The bottom line is a person has to want to feel better, has to want to take their meds regularly, has to want to help themselves.. How do you make a person want what you want for them? This last episode Joe was on the streets for a month our family was beside itself not knowing if he was alive or dead. I reported him as a missing person ( he can be a harm to himself or others) was just about to flyers around town, when his brother saw him. Joe wouldn't go with him so we called the police they picked him up and Joe is in the hospital. I am sure they will release him within 2 weeks, hopefully his case worker will have a place for him. Yet I know it will happen again. I do think it is time we think of our own health , but I want someone to tell me how? Never have written on-line. Thanks for listening our stories are so much the same, I will keep all of you in my prayers.

August, 13 2015 at 11:48 am

Most people who are trying to care for a loved one with mental illness are desperate for help. We are all in a 'damned if you do, damned if you don't' world. We can't take it anymore, but we can't give up because we can't bear the thought of our loved one suffering more than he/she is already. We see ourselves as the only ones who care, because for many of us, we are the only ones who care. Our lives are not our own..
We are either trying to help our loved one with the illness, or we are trying to appease the other people in our lives (who, oftentimes, resent the one with the illness) so we can continue to help the ill one. It's great that there is a caseworker that some of us can call if we think our love one is regressing, but most of us don't have that , and are a long way from ever having someone to call.

August, 2 2015 at 11:56 am

My ex-partner was a paranoid schizophrenic, I think. Certainly he was paranoid and had delusions and I think hallucinations. He seemed fine at some times, very paranoid and delusional at others. And prone to "minor" violence.
He lives with his parents. He has left home from time to time, but always gone back. Piecing it together now, I think he kept trying to forge a life outside the family home (as with me) but this would trigger his paranoia and he'd always go back. And they always took him back.
I used to sense this awful atmosphere in their home but I could never put my finger on it. Now I think I see - they were waiting for our relationship to crash, like all his others, and for how it would trigger him.
I don't know what will happen to him after they pass on.
He got dangerous towards the end. So I can't have him in my life - not that he wants to be! I do wonder what would happen if he called and said he needed help. I don't think I'd be able to say No, so I hope he doesn't. Because it'd be hell and wreck me like last time. And he can't help it and he can't change and there's no use pretending he can.

August, 1 2015 at 5:22 am

Just over a year ago my beautiful 30 year old daughter became full blown paranoid schizophrenic and turned against all of her brothers and sisters and myself. She perceives me as her worst enemy and fears me. I am unable to help her in any way and she refuses to believe anything is wrong with her. She was misdiagnosed as "bipolar" as was her twin father and uncle, both of whom were prescribed prozac and both of whom committed suicide. I am desperate to help her but do not know how. I pray every day it is all I can do.

July, 26 2015 at 7:31 pm

Desperate to find a group home. We can't find any and have no help. My 22 year old son is now on 10 hospital stay in two years. He can't come home and I am afraid it will be the streets when he is released. When at home is it frightening and disruptive and he gets even worse. We are trying to apply for Medicaid and disability,but he doesn't want disability. Where can we get help or encourage him to live Ina a group home if there even exists one. Amy. Desperate for over 3 years now. It seems like schizphrenia or schizoaffective disorder or delusions. Pick one , too many doctors and no one helps. One even said nothing was wrong and took him off meds. He has the most stabile 9 months ever, until he used pot again. Then psychosis =Hosp= home= hosp = home= psychosis etc. Throw in drugs and you see the problems. Breaks my heart but we can't function when he is at home. Everyone is scared.

July, 14 2015 at 11:46 am

One of the hardest thoughts to face is losing a child! My son is 29 years old and was diagnosed with this illness 2 years ago with medication and treatment it seemed to have gone away, recently he had another episode and is being treated inpatient. One of the things I've learned about this illness is to get educated and talk to other families that are living through the same illness! With hope and support we can get through this!

Alice Fuso
May, 28 2015 at 8:56 am

Brianna, lass... it is almost a year since you wrote about your father here. I doubt you will see this reply. I hope you do - I feel compelled to urge you to protect yourself and to try to talk your Mon into doing the same. No house is worth losing your life over. The things he is saying are very frightening to me...I am so very worried for you! It does sound like he can be a very grave danger to you...

Amy Henry
May, 1 2015 at 2:28 am

My 15 year old daughter has been diagnosed 1st with anxiety, depression, bipolar, and now, come to find out she's likely schizophrenic. She's been hospitalized twice, attacked family members several times, and has a pending court case, has attempted suicide, shaved her head, regularly self-mutulates, her bedroom is beyond gross, failing everything in school, often refuses to go to school, has no respect for authority. Refuses to take meds, or pretends to take them. Stays up for day's, has an eating disorder. Just stated the other day that she has had audable hallucinations for year's and talks yo a lady in a nightgown regularly, that she knows isn't really there. I don't know what to do anymore. I have no real support. Her father, my husband, doesn't like to get involved. I'm truly scared of my own kid. She smashed all sorts of dishes the other night because I said no to going to Cumberlands at 9pm on a school night. She didn't come home last night until 10:15pm and then demands that I allow her to sleep out, again, a school night, and states that I'm unreasonable. What are the best treatments? When is it time to find a residential school?!?

November, 20 2014 at 4:02 pm

Hi Randye, I am in the process of reading your book. Excellent! When I read it it so parelels my own life I can't believe it!! I am finding it very helpful. I have 4 kids, a single mom as well. Over the past 1 1/2 my 23 yr old has been diagnosed with undifferentiated schizophrenia, psychosis & mood disorder. My home is a HCBS lisenced home. My oldest daughter, 37, is disabled with Autism, anxiety, PTSD and functions at a preschool level. I am her primary caregivers. My son can not live at my home because of the lisence, until he gets a DPS fingerprint clearance card and passes a criminal history check. He just got released from the psychiatric hospital and is now in a BHRF ( behavioral health residential facility). He keeps calling me every day, severalntime and wants to come home. He refuses to sign the applications for SSD or other for "fear" ghat the government has some conspiracy that affects him. I feel so sad for him! This is not the son I have known for 20+ yrs. I need some advise from some one. About if I should let him come back and live at home or if its better for him to stay. I just need to hear what others might think. Thank you....

Lee Smith
November, 2 2014 at 11:49 am

So sorry for your difficult life. But you care, and you have not abandoned your loved one. I worked for years in a social work position dealing with people with mental illness and their families. Most were bewildered and so concerned, not knowing what to do. Some just divorced themselves from the situation, going about their business as though the ill person did not exist. You people love and care, so I have so much respect for you all who keep trying.

September, 28 2014 at 9:43 am

I have read all of the posts and I am sorry for all of your pain. It is not your fault your child has a brain chemistry problem. Once your child is an adult in my opinion it is not totally your responsibility to fix it. Myself, my brother, nephew and daughter have schizoaffective disorder. The best thing my loved ones did for me is let me fail.Yes I have been homeless and addicted, I suffered and I am sure it was painful to watch but boy pain is the best teacher.My loved ones did not make me homeless, I did. They did not force me to get high I did that. Now I am good but the rest of my family that is mentally ill are doing bad. I mean I am not cured. I see things and hear things that nobody else sees and I talk to the people In my head all the time but I do not add to the problem. I pay my rent and take my meds and someday I hope to work. If my loved ones had rescued me I don't believe I would be where I m at today. So I hope this helps. If you don't put yourself first there is no way to help anyone else

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

June, 19 2020 at 11:36 am

Errantskye, I hope you are doing well. Your post did help me. I've tried everything to help my Sz sister. She blames me for her decisions. I have to walk away and let her make mistakes. It fills me with terror and guilt, but I am not helping, and this vicious circle of chaos and abuse has to stop. I am the child and sister of sufferers, and I try to keep in mind that the illness makes them like this, but there has to be some responsibilities for ones actions. Otherwise how can it change? She will probably succeed in killing herself and I will hate myself forever. There is no winning. I am just sorry for all of us. You sound like you have reached a level of stability through consistent, hard won routine. I know how hard that is, and I just wanted to let you know that you have my respect whatever happens. Good luck and love to you. Emma

Karen Powell
July, 25 2014 at 8:49 pm

I cannot do this any more. My older sister, in her early 60's, has been in 1 terrible group home after another. She is schizophrenic and for some reason, I am the 1 she is angriest at and least likely to listen to. I am her younger sister and she hallucinates quite frequently that I am dead. After DECADES of hospitalizations, arguing with her to switch psychiatrists, begging the psychiatrists to try something new, begging her to let me move her to a new group home, unsuccessfully having her live with me a few times and getting evicted because of her, I now sit here and I cannot do this anymore. No family will help with her. My daughter used to help, but now is mad at me and blocking my phone calls, so she is not even calling my sister. We finally thought a few years ago that we had found a decent group home. Then my sister started losing weight several months ago. She is a heavy smoker and I thought she might have lung cancer. Then she fell at that place hitting her head and e_m_s was called because she was unresponsive. Her lungs looked okay at the hospital. 10 days later, she fell again breaking her left hip. The woman who owns the place put my sister in a wheelchair and waited almost 3 hours to get her to the hospital in a car. Then she informed me by text my sister was "hurt" and she left my sister alone at the emergency room. After surgery, my sister was transferred to rehab today. This will only be for 1 week. I am trying to find another place to move my sister to and only have a few days to do this. In the meantime, I have reported this place to adult protective services. And my sister has been calling this place and telling the owner she is coming back there after rehab. When I brought up the subject of finding another place, of course my sister rejected the idea. She cannot go back there. In the middle of all this I am dealing with my own health issues. I have stage 4 liver disease and have now developed heart issues, which is stopping the doctor from treating the liver problems. That's my new doctor. I switched doctors because my old doctors were doing nothing for me. The last few days, I find myself counting pills. I have many. Portal hypertension, varices, depression and anxiety. I have pills for them all. I could never do it, take them, for who would take care of my sister? I pray to God and tell Him it is all in His hands. But I am holding on by a thread.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Randye Kaye
August, 1 2014 at 3:45 am

Karen, I'm so sorry for your pain. The emotional (and decision-making) burden on siblings is so often overlooked. I worry about the responsibilities that may lay ahead for my daughter Ali and her husband when we are gone....tho of course no one wants to think about that. I urge you to get some help for yourself, as you try to get support for your sister. Have you attended any support groups for yourself? Taken Family-to-Family? Hanging by a thread s even worse when you feel that you are all alone. Please hang there.

July, 18 2014 at 6:51 pm

My uncle and his son are schizophrenic. My uncle and father were abused as children. When my little cousin was five years old he watched his dad shoot his mother in her leg. My uncle spent 14 years in prison and when he came home he lived with my grandmother. My uncle scared me all the time talking about building aircrafts to get away when the government attacks and living in the woods and only eating fruits and veggies because it's "perverted" to eat an animal or drink milk from an animal. Almost two years after he came home he shot my grandmother in the head while she was sleeping. This was the most devastating day of my life. He doesn't believe he did it he says "they" set him up. Now his son is currently incarcerated for chasing down a biker who cut him off while driving and attempting to slit his throat. The man lived thank god. Now I'm concerned because my dad believes my uncle was set up and he's been talking crazy about my mom saying she's cheating when she's at work and tells us all he sees the devil in us. My dad has always been abusive to my mother and was abusive to me as a teenager. I can hardly understand anything he says, nothing makes sense. I'm really worried he's going to try to hurt my mom or someone else in the family. But nobody will try to get him admitted because without him we can't afford our house. I'm lost and scared and don't know what to do.

July, 9 2014 at 1:33 am

My son is 32 with paranoid schizophrenia. He has been in and out of hospitals 10x in a year. The Clozapine was wonderful for 10 years and he was independent with my help. Then after getting too low on the dosage he was never able to control the symptoms. Now the doctors have him on 3 meds. He believes he's dying even though doctors say he is fine. He has alienated his father and brother who really don't want to see him anymore. I brought him back from the institution and have him at a group home but he can only be there a couple more months. I figure he should have a guardian but wonder if I should be the guardian or an agency. He isn't violent or aggressive lately and longs for me to take him back in. He wants to be in an apartment on his own but I fear I would have to be his full time caretaker and he would become negative and nasty again. He's lost his Section 8 and I really don't think he can handle being on his own. Has anyone tried to hire personal care staff like the staff at his group home to work with him on buying groceries, cooking, making sure he would get to medical appts, etc.? I would like to see support in the community for our adult family members with mental illness that goes beyond group home living and independent living to bridge the gap between them. I think there should be a way to do this using Medicaid home and community based support money. Can I find some cheer leaders to support this notion?

Mona Roberts
July, 8 2014 at 6:23 am

My son was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia five years ago after a nightmare of strange and unbearable behavior including threats against me. At one point I had him arrested and Baker Acted him into a facility but they let him go after two days claiming he was fine and my problems with him were simply domestic. In other words it was my fault and I was reaping the problems of an adult child that was raised poorly. I got a restraining order against him because I was afraid of him and he went to live with his grandmother. During his time there he treated her okay but got into trouble arguing with some woman and threw a cup at her. Eventually he was jailed for that because he missed the court date. I simply left him in there before he got into worse trouble on the street. During that jail time the staff noticed he wasn't "normal". He got into fights with other inmates on purpose because he LOVED solitary confinement. Eventually the state, public defender and judge agreed he needed to be hospitalized. Finally he got the meds he needed but it was a long road to get people to listen to me. He is still living at his grandmother's house. I see him every day and he seems to be doing better but he will never live a normal life. He has no friends...doesn't like to socialize and spends most of his day drinking beer and talking to himself but he stopped being violent. People...(family and friends) have stopped being close to me and stopped calling me because the illness is so misunderstood they feel I did something to cause this. They pretend to "understand" when I talk to them about it and then they pull away. I view the world and people so differently now. I don't miss not having friends. People suck. They live in their little lala land world and they sicken me when I hear them speak with their "myths" about life. Some are glad this happened to my son so they can put themselves and their parenting above me.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Deborah Myhand
June, 15 2018 at 7:50 am

My son has bipolar schrophrizia and probably some they missed.He is the sweetest person you could meet Ive backetactered him so many times I cant count them all.He is Bakeracted right now after the 2nd month in a row to the couryhouse.He has been on ABILIFY for 2 months to no avail itsike it speeds him uo he has add oh and he is 26years old Im so stressed out I wouldnt wish this on.anyone.I believe he dreams and believes them to be true.Im not svared of him .He has this eposide every year he used to take seraquel then I noticed he was really changing Id ask.if he was taking his meds he would become irrate and thats when I knew he wasnt.I called law enforcement which is a joke when it comes to this type of situation.They have told me its my.fault because I keep letting him come home.Well he receives ssi and Im his payee if he were in charf
charge of it people would take advatantage og him.1 time I let him use the card.Im fiabled too but my is anxiety and physical problems.Well I wanted to see if I could trust him big mistake he spent all of his and $200 of mine.I llobe my.son witj all my spul.I dont.know how to place him somewhere to get his mind stable because 2days at the psych ward doesnt stablize him.He has lived with his grandmother but when he started getting sick she made him.leave.Same thing.with my father.If anyone has any.ideas Im despetate and as to. the person before me shame on yout family this ids not ypur fault or his and this is when you need people who reallyove and care around you.We need to find out if theres a support group for this because like I told my kids when nobody else is there your mom will be.I have 3 kids and he is the only 1with this problem.AND AMETICA HAVE SOME RESPECT WHEN YOU CALL INDIVIDUALS WITH.MENTAL PROBLEMS CRAZY BECAUSE IT HURTS I USE THE TERM SICK. I referfer to being sick which sounds much better.Thank you any info would be helpful May God Bless you in this situation.

william Geibel
June, 28 2014 at 8:37 am

Look for supportive housing. Good luck, it is soooooooo difficult.

June, 24 2014 at 7:02 am

Im so glad to read about situations, such as the ones I read today - can relate, my son Chris has schizophrenia and also refuses meds and medical help.He's 29, diagnosed when he was 16, tears me apart to see him so isolated and has no ambition,not to mention his grooming. when he was younger he dressed nice, now thinks clothes have chemicals,etc. also food,cooks own weird food -once he broke down and asked me why this happened to him,and all I could do was console him, and he had a meltdown- I have faith in God and pray everyday for him - has taken over our upstairs rooms, but figure he's safe here not out there in the world. I really wish he could find a simple job he likes and a girlfriend, plus self medicates with beer, but used to do a lot of drugs when younger

Janet Meyer
June, 19 2014 at 4:58 am

My beautiful 23 year old daughter was told in Jan 2014 she has schizophrenia, I didn't quite believe it but she was unable to take care of her 2, 3 and 5 year old children. DSS took them and I cared for them four months while working full-time, it was hard but I love them. Meanwhile, my daughter has not done one thing to 'get better,' and may lose her children. They are in foster care now with a wonderful husband and wife and I see them often. I need to complete an IVC to try to get her help. When she was committed in Jan. she refused medication and they sent her home in five days. It has just gotten worse. Her paternal grandmother had bipolar and her paternal uncle has schitzophrenia and is forced to take a monthly shot. She suffered a severe concussion last Fall and her behavior got worse after that so in ways I want to believe her problem is the roll-over accident not MH issues. Prayer is getting me through. I'm glad to read others who are searching for answers too.

June, 12 2014 at 10:35 am

Even though I know I shouldnt promise that but there has got to be some light at the end of this tunnel.Family members have made comments telling me I just need to spank him when he has melt downs or asks the same questions repetitiously.Everyone has the answer to how to discipline him.Especially those without kids.I pray that all our children young and old are able to find peace day to day. I hold and love him on his good days and his bad days.Seems like now because he is young, mom is his safe place. I know that will change one day but am trying to be here to help him get thru his days and nights one day at a time.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Randye Kaye
June, 12 2014 at 11:09 am

Michelle -
Please keep seeking help - for your son, and for yourself and your family. Childhood schizophrenia, if that's what your son has, must be addressed. My book may be of help ("Ben Behind His Voices")- and also look at "January First" .
Keep learning, keep reaching out for the right diagnosis. It can get better.

June, 12 2014 at 10:19 am

I guess the most frustrating thing is as parents we know when something is wrong and we take them to see numerous people for help.Trying to get some kind of diagnosis is hard. I have heard from different professionals that it looks like ASD, ADHD.Where as other professionals say this is not ADHD.Waiting to see a Pediatric Neurologist.Now with the most recent hallucinations,Im concerned this may be schizophrenia as his dad was diagnosed with that before he was born.The past months have been hell and seemed like a light switch just turned off for him. At the end of the day, I tell him that tomorrow will be better

June, 12 2014 at 10:04 am

I am the mother of an 8 year old boy.He was fine until last October when he punched himself in the face leaving a bruise.He started taking meds which then caused OCD and odd behaviors.He was hospitalized for cutting his skin and for grabbing the steering wheel trying to make me crash my car.Changes made to his meds,difficulty in school,slowly getting worse. After complete meltdowns in Dr's offices;he was given Risperdal. Although, i see improvements,he is now periodically hallucinating about a worm that speaks to him and tries to get into his arms.He also advised that it was the same black worm that caused him to cut his skin the day he was hospitalized.They diagnosed him as ADHD with depression.I think this diagnosis is incorrect.My heart aches every day for him as he struggles to have a life like every other child around him.

June, 9 2014 at 12:32 pm

My intelligent, talented son had a somewhat mild psychotic episode about 8 months ago. His live-in girlfriend called me (they live in another state) and I caught a plane to visit them the same day. There is no mental illness in our family, and my son has always been calm and rational. He has a college education. When I arrived, he seemed happy to see me. He hugged me and was welcoming. He was rather fixated on topics of space and time, however, he was still calm and peaceful. He could be redirected to talk about other things for awhile, although he continued to circle the conversation back to the spce/time topic. When we (his girlfriend and I) told him we felt worried about his mental well being because he was behaving in a way not usual for him, he responded he didn't want us to feel worried and agreed to see a counselor. We went with him to a few sessions, his personality seemed to return to usual, and the counselor believed he was fine and perhaps we had overreacted. Then about two months ago, his girlfriend called to report that he was "delusional" again. I again travelled to their home this time to find my son pacing, and ranting incoherently. He was not happy to see me, didn't seem to recognize I was his mother, and shouted for me to leave. He was becoming angry and agitated, so I left. His girlfriend (they have been together for about 12 years) felt very worried. We contacted the counselor he saw at the first episode, who referred us to a mental health crisis team. They sent police to the house but they were unable to do anything to help. So we consulted a judge. I had to give a statement about my son's behavior. Ultimately, he agreed to check himself into a mental health facility, but once there, they had another hearing with a judge and then sent him to a state mental hospital. While he was in the state hospital, he called me everyday. During those calls, he was calm, rational, and pleading with me to help him get out of the faciltiy. He was only in the state hospital for a week and they released him. Once he was home again, he relapsed into the agitated and delusional state again. This time, his girlfriend just tried to stay calming, encouraged him to eat, and waited. It took about 4 weeks before he regained his usual personality. She is encouraging him to seek treatment, however, this time he is resistant. He doesn't trust the doctors because of the state hospital commitment episode. He will not talk to me now, convinced, I exaggerated his behavior to have him committed. I am so sad and worried about him. He is so bright, talented, and capable. I realize how fortunate he is to have a girlfriend who loves him and is patient and will help him try to get through this. But as his mother, my heart just hurts from worry. I pray he can recover and move forward and even that one day he will let me back into his life. Until then...I wait for and cherish the updates from his girlfriend.

C. Demers
June, 6 2014 at 4:26 am

I have a friend who's 23year old son his ill. He does not want to get help in fear that they will give him medications. My friend is at the end of his rope, the authorities are not helping "until something tragic occurs. He helped his son get his head straight and get a job, which he can never keep because he always falls back in paranoia. What to do to help as a friend?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Randye Kaye
June, 6 2014 at 5:03 am

Hi - and it's wonderful that you are trying to help. First of all, read back along this thread of comments for some great suggestions. Suggest to your friend that he get in touch with the local affiliate of NAMI for support, suggestions and education.
Find out if any of the local police officers are CIT (Crisis Intervention Training) certified - because he will need that someday. Generally, without medication, his son will keep losing jobs to paranoia. As they say in NAMI "nothing seems to stick" because the illness is interfering with logic that otherwise could work. My book, Ben Behind His Voices, has some great sidebars of suggestions as well as lists of other resources, like the book I am Not Sick I Don't Need Help.
Tell your friend to get all the support and information he can. This is not something we can do alone. The system is of very little help unless we take charge as best we can.

May, 28 2014 at 10:46 am

I've ever written in anything like this, but maybe I'll get advice I could use. My 23 year old daughter has had high anxiety since elementary school. We noticed it was actually a problem in middle school. Family dr. put her on Fluoxetine and clonazepam, but I think she's self medicating with morphine? Others? Dr. referred her to a psych who diagnosed ADHD and said these scary thoughts of torturing people were normal. Said, "you're not DOING these things are you? Then you're perfectly normal". I don't agree with that or ADHD diagnosis. My concern is what if it's schizophrenia or bipolar. Mental illnesses are so hard to diagnose. What if it's just something she's eating, like processed foods for example? Her hands shake when she gets panic attacks or even nervous about something. She's afraid of people. Can only be with one friend at a time. Panic attacks when she's in groups. Now she's sad all the time. Her dad and I wonder if the sadness is because she doesn't know when her "street fix" for self medicating will come? I don't know what to do any more. I don't even know how to be a mom to this 23 year old any more. She still lives at home. Can't keep a job because of her fear of people so doesn't have a car. She's finally taking her Fluoxetine like she should, but always wants more clonazepam. She also asks her Dad for morphine a lot. Of course he doesn't give it to her (I dole them out cuz he's on a lot for chronic knee pain). I don't know what to do any more.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Randye Kaye
May, 28 2014 at 2:23 pm

Hi Loni,
wow - it's so hard to handle symptoms like this without professional help - and it sounds to me like the professional help you're getting isn't really addressing the issues. Please know that I am a Mom like you, not a healthcare professional, so the best I can do is encourage you to LEARN, LEARN, LEARN. That's what helped us the most. Have you contacted your local NAMI chapter? The national website,, has lots of info on panic disorders, etc -- and info on what a good psychiatrist is, and when to "fire" one who isn't helping. The Family-to-Family course is a wonderful way to get info and support you need in a constructive, structured setting.
Hang in there, learn all you can, take care of yourself, set limits in your home and have clear (but safe) consequences if not followed.
Reach out. It's too hard to do this alone...I know.

Vicki Woodward
May, 25 2014 at 2:13 pm

I don't know how to help my son. He is currently sectioned under the Mental Health Act (UK) - he was given 4 days leave but taken back in after less than 24 hours- he has his own flat but says he can't cope without his friend ( who also schizophrenic). His friend was with him for the first 24 hours drinking and smoking weed- against my advice. My son suffers from a delusion that he has tapeworm cysts in his brain and is dying. He has been referred for yet another MRI scan and says he will believe the results but has already had numerous stool tests and a CT scan which showed nothing abnormal. He cannot talk about anything else than dying. He is on risperidone injections but they have made no difference. I despair for his future and he doesn't understand why I don't accept that he is dying. I am at the end of my tether and am trying to function as a "normal" person but it is really getting to me .....

Kari Rice
May, 3 2014 at 11:44 am

I can hardly get through reading all the comments, my heart goes out to all who have their pride and joy they've invested so much love and time with be diagnosed with schizophrenia. My son was 17 when he only started out controlling what he was eating, thinking he was eating more healthy, but it spun out of control and he refused to eat things that did not line up to religious rules. I took him to a Dr who had him do a blood and stool testing, with the stool testing sent to a top notch lab out of state. It returned saying he had 3 parasites, which the AMA said 2 were non-pathogenic. I did research like a crazy mom and found many who said certain drugs together would blast out the 2 remaining parasites, but the Dr. would not go forward with the treatment. Parasites are a root cause of all kinds of problems and it was not until my son was in the ER 2 times, and a psych evaluation hospital that they were finally treated. My son also did not want to take drugs, and it has been a long journey BUT, his traumatic situation (misdiagnosed as schizophrenia), has forced me to see that I also need to change.
Now, years later there is more research and findings on a thing called Methylation also genetic. I'm posting just in case someone else has run out of hope and needs a new lead. Interestingly in my son's case the reason why his genetic code is not healthy is because of pesticide residue in my husband's system. He was an applicator and farmed with pesticides from youth until his 40's. Last year my husband had some tests run using bio-testing scans and guess what, it said there were pesticides in his body over 20 years old. Now my son is avoiding the foods that his body can't process because of under methylation, and his symptoms have gotten so much better. There are supplements that are pre-methylated for this particular problem.

Tanya Severin
May, 2 2014 at 7:45 pm

I too live in Georgia,my son who turned 18 is schizophrenic and refuses too take his meds. He is on invega sustenna shot ,20 mg of ziprexa twice a day and depacoc 2 pills twice a day well he only want to take it once a day. I hope shot once a month helps but im worried he was in two different hospitals this month and I been praying for him every day. He is starting to show signs of paranoia again and he laughs at the voices. I talked to his therapist he wants me to put his med in his food. I am thinking about it since he doesnt want to take his right dose. Im watching him everyday to see how he does everyday. He went from taking ten mg to 40 a day of ziprexa. Im nervous csuse he not takung enough of his meds.

Michelle Miller
April, 19 2014 at 9:45 am

Hello I wrote last July on here about my.son Jake well he was on the invega shots for8 months then one shot of Abilify.then Jake didn't go anymore so for Sept, Oct,Nov, and Dec was good then relapse started then to the Dr.s again a different one she said bi polor put him on effexor didn't work then low dose Geodon he had to go back in hospital for two weeks put I Cymbalta,klonipin2mg and two 80 mg geodon then I took him to the first Dr that really knew him he upped the Geodon so it worked a little but for about a month now he is relapsing I called to see Iin case he needs to go back to hospital of s bed was available it's a roller coaster we are drained as his parent s we want a miracle as well as for everyone else going through this .you hear and read that antipsychotics are good or bad what is the truth do they really help them ? My son has voices he sees shadows the voice at times it's satan draws demonic pics a heart with horns coming out I of it ? Don't get me wrong he is smart to then the smiling thing odd his thought s are mixed to .so much we go through it hurts how.I wish this wasn't going on when I do look at my son I see him briefly then it's like I lose him then you for letting me.explain a little now just have to find the right drug he has tried Latuda,Serquell, invega,abilify,geodon haldol is terrible allergic to that makes him twitch .oh and N.A.M.I has been good .

April, 8 2014 at 4:56 am

I am 42 years old. My mother has been a mental patient for about 30+ years. This illness drains our family. I can share so many stories but I will stick to the current situation. My mother is now what I call in her "other world". I feel like it is the result of half taking her medication and drug addiction. I have called so many agencies including her current Psychiatrist for help. No one is helping. The law is preventing us from getting my mother help. Everyone is telling me that she has to voluntariy go for treatment. The only way crisis can take her is if she is harming herself or others. Stupid. We are trying to prevent that from happening. All she needs is a place to rest and get her medication back in her system. This will never happen because she doesn't feel like she needs help. We are her enemy if we dare to mention the hospital. I'm trying to act normal, the emotional stress is overwhelming. Does anybody truly care about mental patients?

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

Randye Kaye
April, 8 2014 at 12:04 pm

Hi Tammy,
unfortunately, your story is all too familiar. " Does anybody truly care about mental patients?" I think the answer is yes, but the people who care are the ones overworked, underpaid, and stuck with an antiquated legal system that doesn't allow family members to help. Have you reached out to your local NAMI affiliate? There are ways to "work" the system, and often you can hear some helpful suggestions here at or at support and speaker meetings for NAMI.
I am so expert, at least not in the academic credentials sense of the word, but I'd say your priority is to get some help for your mother, not to get her to agree with you. Excellent resources I talk about in my book are books like Defying Mental Illness, I'm Not Sick I Don't Need Help, When Someone You Love Has a Mental Illness.
I know how the illness can drain a family. Are you taking care of you??? This is a must, though it seems like a risk. Please know you are not alone. I'm glad you wrote. Anyone else have suggestions for Tammy?

Kay Hecker
March, 19 2014 at 3:48 pm

My daughter who is now 29, was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia about 4 years ago and I can relate to these stories only too well. We both live in Texas, which is the worst funded state for the mentally ill. She has never been compliant with taking medication. Once she was court ordered to take the injection, Risperdal Consta every 2 weeks for 3 months, which helped her greatly and when I tried to get that court ordered medication for a year, I was unsuccessful because her psychiatrist would not sign the paperwork and it fell through. The judge here told me "if your daughter commits a felony, it would be much easier to get that years medication order from the court. Our jails and prisons are filling up with people with mental illness, though, at this point it is much cheaper to put them in jail than to get medical help for them. I have come to hate the term "immediate danger to self or others, which is what they, the mentally ill, must display before they are hospitalized. The sad thing is, that at that point of being an immediate danger, it is often too late for the patient and/or the victims of their breakdown. I have had 29 years with my daughter. How many years did the parents have with their children that were murdered at Newtown, Conneticut? Mental illness not only affects the mentally ill and their families but it affects so many others.

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