
Sex Truth about Men That Women Rarely Understand: Fantasy, Masturbation

women and sex

Although the spread is narrowing, there are some basic sexual differences with men and women that make it very hard for women to understand men and sex and vice versa. Bearing in mind there is always that scope for individual variety, here are some almost universal truths about men that women most often fail to understand:

Most men have times when they just want sex for the physical sake of sex itself without the entanglement of a relationship. Sometimes a man just wants a woman's body. She can be asleep or drunk or even watching television; he doesn't even care.

There was an expression during World War II that explains this thought process: "Throw a flag over her face and do it for Old Glory!"

Women often wonder, "Why would a man pay for sex when it is easily obtained for free in our society?" The fact is that the man will pay because he is only interested in "getting in and getting out," quickly, and without any other involvement. This way of thinking is practically incomprehensible to a woman.

But even more incomprehensible to a woman is that a man can have sex with a woman he does not love at noon and then expect sex from a woman he does love in the same afternoon. Women can not understand this total separation and then total merger of sex and love.

There is another reason men can divorce sex and love. Males reach the peak of their sexual energy in their teens.


This means males seek sex long before they are mature enough for any enduring intimacy or relationship to form. Thereafter, for many years, or at least until a man's sexual vigor wanes with age, this high sexual energy threatens to disrupt any relationship that does form.

How many times has a man told you he's in love with you ... on the first date?

next: More Sex Truths About Men: Lust and Lucky

APA Reference
Staff, H. (2008, December 11). Sex Truth about Men That Women Rarely Understand: Fantasy, Masturbation, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 27 from

Last Updated: April 9, 2016

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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