
Coping with Depression

Whether you are a parent with depression struggling to raise children or a new mom suffering from postpartum depression, know that you are not alone.
I've learned a lot of things from over a decade of treatment for depression. In the long list of recovery tips I could share with you, the most important thing I've learned is that you can't hate yourself out of being depressed. It can really stand between you and your recovery. Hating yourself is no way to accomplish anything, especially when it comes to recovering from depression.
Depression and alcohol can be a dangerous combination. Drinking alcohol when you're depressed can worsen your depression. Similarly, drinking alcohol when you're in depression remission can seriously jeopardize that remission.
Depression remission can be brief, lasting mere days. If you're lucky, depression remission can last weeks or months before a depression relapse occurs. It is important when your depression is in remission, to make the most of it. Here's how I do it.
When I got my dog, Digby, I had no idea how much he would help me with my depression. Standard recommended treatments for depression pretty much never recommend getting a dog or spending time with a dog, but maybe they should.
From the hot tears of anguish to the cold, unfeeling stare of painful indifference, depression and emotions go hand-in-hand. And, make no mistake - indifference is a very powerful emotion. I've lost whole days to indifference wherein I cared about nothing, including my husband and children. I wish I could say I felt nothing during those days of indifference, but the truth is, the only thing I did feel was pain. I simply had no tears left.
My depression symptoms are a big part of me and I hate them (What Are the Symptoms of Depression?). Ergo, I hate a big part of me. Wait! That can't be right, can it?
Stigma is a negative stereotype often associated with mental illnesses like depression. After we receive a depression diagnosis, many of us start to worry that people are going to call us "crazy," or use other offensive language while judging us for having symptoms of depression.
Have you ever noticed how it's only BAD news that gets the ratings? And the bad news is SO depressing! Missing Malaysia flight 370, Putin in Crimea, the Pistorius murder trial - and that isn't even the worst of the crappy news.
It has been a very long, cold, depressing winter. Snow storms. Ice storms. Wind chills that can freeze your face. I spent a lot of my days hunkered down inside the house, battling my depression symptoms as best I could. But, spring has sprung and it's finally time to get outside!