
Fictive Alters in Dissociative Identity Disorder

February 28, 2018 Crystalie Matulewicz

The types of alters in dissociative identity disorder include fictional introjects or fictives. Visit Healthyplace to learn more about these DID alters and the controversy surrounding them.

There are many different types of alters in dissociative identity disorder (DID), including fictional introjects (Understanding Dissociative Identity Disorder Alters). Fictional introjects, also called fictives, are alters that are based off of fictional people or characters. While not as common as other types of alters, fictives are just as important. So how do these fictive alters in DID form, and what is their purpose?

How Do Fictive Alters in DID Systems Form?

Introjects are alters that are based off outside people or characters. Fictional introjects specifically are based off of fictional characters. These characters can be from television shows, movies, books, fantasy, and other forms of fiction.

Why Do Fictive Alters Form?

Fictive alters in DID form to serve a purpose. While that purpose is not always known, it is possible that the DID system needed the qualities of that fictional character and internalized them to form the fictional introject in response to a trauma. Fictives can also form to disrupt the system. While fictives often form in childhood, people with DID can form new alters at any time, especially in response to recent trauma.

Myths About Fictional Introjects

There are a few assumptions that people have about fictional introjects in DID, but the reality is that there are no concrete characteristics that all fictives possess. Dissociative identity disorder in itself consists of such varying experiences, and DID alters are no different.

One assumption that people make about fictives is that fictives are always positive. Fictives can have positive qualities, but they can also have negative qualities and engage in harmful or risky behaviors. Some fictional introjects can be abusive, and form as a way to continue traumatizing the system.

There is another assumption that fictives are based entirely off of the fictional character. The reality is that fictives can have their own qualities and personalities apart from those of the fictional character. Some fictive alters can be predominantly similar to the character, while others take on just a few of the characteristics. They don't have to think, act, look, or feel in the exact same ways that the fictional character does. This doesn't make them any less valid.

Fictional introjects aren't chosen purposefully. Just like other dissociative identity disorder alters, fictional introjects develop subconsciously for a reason. Fictives are not made up. They are not a part of a game. Fictives are real. They can hold memories and can experience trauma just as any other alter can.

The Controversy Surrounding Fictional Introjects in DID

Unfortunately, there is controversy, even within the DID community, surrounding the legitimacy and validity of fictional introjects in DID systems. Some people believe that fictional introjects are fake, and cannot occur in a real DID system. Others believe that fictives exist, but only within certain limitations.

It's important to validate that fictional introjects, or fictives, are a real part of DID systems. People are quick to judge fictives as real or fake, yet this judgment doesn't exist for other types of alters.

Fictives deserve the same treatment as any other alter or part. They are real. They are valid. Don't forget that.

APA Reference
Matulewicz, C. (2018, February 28). Fictive Alters in Dissociative Identity Disorder, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 17 from

Author: Crystalie Matulewicz

Crystalie is the founder of PAFPAC, is a published author and the writer of Life Without Hurt. She has a BA in psychology and will soon have an MS in Experimental Psychology, with a focus on trauma. Crystalie manages life with PTSD, DID, major depression, and an eating disorder. You can find Crystalie on FacebookGoogle+, and Twitter.

May, 26 2024 at 8:32 am

We do not belive in them because most people claim the character is real and not a symbol, and we need to belive their exo trauma. I need to treat Scar’s ( from FMA) trauma as the same as someone who is fleeing Gaza trauma. Because they post looking for source mates . You get a HOMESTUCK AU fictive where the trolls are yellow, looking for people from their pseudo memories like someone looking for their high school study buddy on Facebook.
Because they are real people who lived lives before being in a system. Not sure if me thing the brain made as a coping mechanism.
Because some people get fictives of brand new entertainment, or new to them, and within days or hours gain new alters who already know the ropes of the system and the world around them.
Because they post on social media about how much it’s sucks to deal with inner world fighting, or love triangles .
Because you get drama and weird predators and sexual orientations involving fictives
Because sme people are endogenic systems comprised of only fictives who recently became a system.
Because some systems have fictives, and soulbonds , but the soulbond members are not fictives, and there are tulpa made in the image of a fictional character, who are not fictives, they are tulpa. Who happen to be in a system, with a fiction kin host. So you have a system with 4 types of imaginated person who are all not the same thing. I have observed
We do not belive because of those. Who get angry at duplicates and want nobody to interact.

June, 14 2024 at 11:55 am

Hey, I just wanted to reach out and say that many people who are living with Dissociative Identity Disorder can entirely understand and appreciate where you're coming from.
The fact is that there is too much misinformation about fictional introjects online. People will discover the term and find it interesting and exciting. They will disregard the fact that these alters form from severe trauma and will envy the experience of those living with DID because they want to meet their favourite fictional characters, or they want to have a support system that feels like it's magically there for them. It's very common in younger people, especially with the speed at which this kind of misinformation can spread on platforms such as tiktok.
Your scepticism on the existence of introjects is entirely valid. Much of what you described is indeed not reflective of the DID experience and is rather reflective of the internet culture that has fetishised it. Many people with DID, and many fictional introjects elect to not be open about the disorder online because of the very things you mentioned here. These things have also made treatment and mental health support much harder for those with the disorder to access.
I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that the things I've seen online have made me feel deeply ashamed of having DID, and particularly having fictional introjects. I'm truly sorry that you've had to experience situations in which people claiming to be introjects have treated you poorly.
Please be assured that the actions of young, misguided people online is not representative of the DID community as a whole, and it is certainly not representative of living with or as an introject. We're tired of it too.
My biggest recommendation for you is to steer clear of spaces that claim to be geared towards DID, but allow or encourage the above described behaviour. I hope you find yourself in a kinder community soon.
Keep safe - Frank

anon sys
June, 17 2024 at 10:58 pm

like i said in another reply, i do agree with some of your points.
but i do have some things i want to bring up
>people looking for "sourcemates" never really made sense to us, but we got manipulated into it anyway and all it ensued was gaslighting, brainwashing, and grooming. it has put us in abusive relationships many times until we put our foot down about it. though, i have seen people use "sourcecalling" as "hey we have the same source we got introjected from lol" and not "I SHARE MEMORIES FROM ANOTHER WORLD WITH YOU", so im glad that's dying down a bit.
however, this doesnt change the fact that some of us fictives can have these fake memories, especially after splitting since that disorients us/the alter, it is just important not to fuel them, as that would be delusion, and it has hurt us many times.
it is important to steer away from these beliefs, but also know some of those people could be being manipulated right now by fakers (like how we were manipulated ie) etc.
>"endogenic" is completely made up and scientifically impossible. endos claim they do not need any trauma at all to form did/osdd, this is far from true. i dont think you need me to tell you that though, it's just for people scrolling by mostly.
>a lot of people try to loop tulpamancy into did, which is harmful for both the disorder and the spiritual practice. a lot of people call themself "tulpagenic" system, meaning they think they just manifested their system willfully. this is, like endogenic, scientifically impossible, and tulpamancy has nothing to do with a dissociation disorder at all.
>i also disagree with people posting about their "system", ESPECIALLY on tiktok, like its some show or diary for them. not only is it extremely harmful for that system if they happened to be a real system making a bad decision - but if the person is faking being a system, then now they are spreading false info on did, which is why us as a real system get slurred and screamed at by people we called "friends" anytime we tell them after knowing them for a year or so. it is messed up and i agree with the disdain for tiktok.
>for us, some of our fictives formed off of recent medias we have seen before having a traumatic or dissociative experience. our brain i guess picks up stuff like that and thinks whatever qualities the fictional character had would be helpful to us and put it in an empty shell and formed that alter, which has always confused us and made us get scared of faking despite or diagnosis process. ive met confirmed diagnosed systems who also have this experience. none of us picks what the fictive is based on or when they form, the brain is a mystery. ive also come to conclusions autistic systems have higher chances of having more fictives/general introjects than non-introject alters.
>anyone who claims they "recently became a system" might be confused on their wording or how it works, or they might really just be faking. some people are newly discovered, which is VERY VERY VERY normal for us with DID. we usually wont notice it until we are older or something very drastic happens (being hospitalized because of a persecutor ie.) for us, we began to notice weird things more in 2018, then found out about it in 2020. which was awful. when you finally figure out what could be wrong, and then get medically recognized or a diagnosis, its both hell internally and socially, and this usually happens when you are a child/preteen/teen, which makes it even harder and people make a lot of bad and unhealthy mistakes with how to cope (like getting manipulated or being waayyy too open about it/using tiktok like a diary.)
>for alters "already knowing the ropes of the system", this has always made us very distrusting of other people, but there are many factors as to why that can possibly happen, or just at least to a short degree.
-they might be an osdd-1b system, meaning they have little to no amnesia, or just emotional amnesia.
-when they split, another alter or that system's friend already explained everything to them internally/privately, so of course you wouldnt see that.
-alters split from each other, so that can leave to those two alters having a lot of similarities, along with a few key memories that alter may have as an instinct in order to survive or function.
what ive found is its best to not fakeclaim a system based on a few things you know about them because of how different each system is. they could be a did system, an osdd-1a system, or a osdd-1b system - so if you were one of the three, you wouldnt be able to really understand the other two. many systems can also have different traumas, experiences, coping mechanisms, and their medical history (other disorders the body has, if they have a therapist or not, what theyve done to cope with did/osdd, etc.)
the only time i ever fakeclaim someone on this is if they are spewing factually proven incorrect statements as true, and maybe even putting ACTUAL true statements down, but i find it's best not to interact with fakers, as they are usually just baiting and they will never change their mind for you. it's best to just research correctly, ( is a good source.), and make sure you spread the correct info and tell people to watch out for endos/myths. though, i have seen cases where "endos" were manipulated into thinking they were endo (by someone giving them the wrong definition, usually being "endo means u dont remember trauma!" [ which is incorrect, that is still traumagenic.]) or they are in denial of their trauma. it's best not to assume, and arguing with endos is draining, so as i said, its better to educate generally than to argue directly.
this was long, but i hope any of this helps.

March, 1 2024 at 6:41 pm

I've been looking around different websites, since I'm having trouble comprehending some stuff, but I do have a question.
What does it mean when someone says 'source'? Like, is it the origin of said fictive/alter?
I'm currently trying to figure out if i have DID or OSDD-1b or not. And i'm trying to figure out certian terms/vocabulary so i can understand this better-
I would appreciate if someone replies!

Hyperfix Anon
March, 31 2024 at 1:22 am

Please please please take this with a grain of salt. I don’t have dissociative identity disorder, but I do research for the sake of writing respectful and honest narratives relating to the disorder. Sometimes I go into DID spaces online to see the terms in use, so that if I write a character who uses the terminology accurately I can know what to write.
In online spaces, when someone asks ‘source’, it’s likely they’re asking about the source of the original work a fictive alter is based off of. Not the trauma that caused their split or anything like that, but the origins of the fictive.
Let’s say for example that someone with DID felt they needed the traits of a character like Sonic the Hedgehog when they were a child. They saw his headstrong and confident demeanor and thought they would live a better life with those traits, so an alter named Sonic and having those personality traits split off. Later on in adulthood they know they have DID and all that, and are asked, “Source?” when in relation to their fictive. Even if their fictive’s name might have changed, they may still answer “Sonic the Hedgehog” because that’s the origin point for that fictive alter.
While I understand diagnosis can be difficult and really stressful, I highly recommend seeking out professional assistance if you do believe yourself to have dissociative identity disorder or OSDD. However, I understand that not everyone has money, and the person who knows you best is yourself. There’s no harm in potentially being inaccurate in your self-diagnosis, so long as you eventually find your way to the correct answer.
I hope this helped, and have a good day!

May, 26 2024 at 8:35 am

And then that Sonic goes to Reddit asking to meet his friends from his psudomemories

August, 17 2023 at 10:57 pm

I’m a little confused. What separates “systems” from roleplaying?
When I was younger, I would imagine alternate versions of myself that had gone down different paths in life - Mountain was my fashion designer persona, Kouda Kyew was my eccentric business mogul persona, and so on. I would get advice from these imaginary people and sometimes even act like them in real life, but I was always conscious that my alters were fictional. As I grew older, I roleplayed with them less and less, but they ended up being wonderful inspirations for my writing!
With all due respect, the term “system” seems like a pathologized synonym for roleplay, which is a normal and reasonable activity for young people discovering their sense of self. I’m wondering if someone would be willing to educate me to the contrary?

September, 9 2023 at 4:33 pm

OSDD and DID are dissociative disorders formed by repeated trauma in the developing stages of childhood. Children in early stages of development have multiple personalities that are not completely fused. While people without this disorder (Singlets) eventually fuse, people with these disorders do not. As a trauma response these personalities (alters) develop into beings of their own, with separate thoughts, feelings, and identities. They all share a body, though often are not all conscious at the same time. When one personality is not conscious, they experience amnesia, either not remembering at all what happened or lacking emotional memory.
What differentiates roleplaying and systems is that one is a literal mental illness. Roleplaying is one person choosing to act as someone else. They can choose to stop pretending, and control what they do. Alters in a system cannot control the other alters in all cases except OSDD-1B, and cannot stop "acting" like someone else, because it isn't acting. Additionally, people roleplaying don't experience amnesia.

May, 26 2024 at 8:45 am

A lot of people fake. Check “ this is not dissociative “ on tumblr, even if tumblr is a huge hub of liars who make D.I.D look like “ fun friends in your head” . Or that if you try hard enough, you ca become a system

Skull (She/him)
June, 18 2023 at 8:28 pm

yoyoyo!! fellow system here, just a little curious about something, so if any other systems have the answer, i could defo use some help!! so for splitrojects (introjects with 2 or more sources) how do faceclaims work? do you have separate faceclaims? or do they all merge into one faceclaim?

Lush Caves Sys
June, 22 2023 at 11:59 am

They can merge into one, or have one more obvious than another. Sometimes they can look completely different than any of their sources.
-Anonymous introject

A question for fictives!
June, 10 2023 at 2:44 pm

Hello ! im a friend of some systems and they have fictives of my hyperfixations [Spider-man and theyre pretty close to the canon [thats what they are saying]] My mood has changed a lot because like, IM TALKING TO SPIDERMAN /hj. I am wondering if its okay to stim around them ? im autistic and i am worried i might make them uncomfartable !

the end system
June, 15 2023 at 2:40 pm

I think it would be best to ask them, but most systems, fictives included, are usually ok with meeting people that like their character. What most ask out of you is to respect boundaries and don't ask personal or negatively triggering questions about their source.
-Entity303 (it/its)

May, 27 2023 at 1:28 pm

I apologize if this doesn't make sense but is it possible for a fictive to gain new memories from their source if their source is still being updated?
Ex: could they gain memories from source events that happened after the alter was formed?

December, 28 2023 at 7:43 pm

im not completely sure on this, but probably not. we are an OSDD 1b system with quite a few fictives, and some of them have sources thatre still ongoing! i say no on this because of the fact that that media didnt ever exist before- and therefore they wouldnt know that happened depending on the timeline of when they were in source after forming in the system. im iffy on this though, cause im thinking maybe itll unlock memories they didnt know about and theres also the fact that alters can know things that others dont; like languages or skills. dont take my word for any of this though im not all that familiar with this

May, 26 2024 at 8:39 am

They are not literally that character.
This is why people do not belive in fictives

anon sys
June, 17 2024 at 10:28 pm

hey, you are replying a lot around fictive stuff and throwing quite a few "accusations" (not sure if thats the word i want.)
As a fictive, yes, we KNOW we arent the character. we are fully aware of that. while i do agree i and most others in our system HEAVILY dislike the "sourcecall" "sharing memories" stuff, as it never made sense to us, and even then when we blindly followed it somewhat, it was used to abuse us. so you are correct about that and i hope other systems who are newly diagnosed/process of diagnosis do not fall into the rabbit hole we did, but i should make it clear to you that most of us fictives DO experience these fake memories, especially when a fictive newly splits, a split in general leaves the alters and system disoriented and confused. a lot of DID communities online fueled our "psuedo memories" and it only harmed us.
fictives DO experience these fake memories, having them doesn't invalidate the existence. you just need to not fuel these "memories" because it can be harmful for that alter to the whole system. sorry that this was long, but a lot of your comments were borderline fakeclaiming fictives, which are proven to be real. yes, some fictives can be convinced they ARE the character, but it's them and their system's responsibility to alert them of the truth, instead of the entire concept of our (fictives) existence being claimed to be fake.

April, 2 2023 at 12:20 pm

Is it possible for an alter to “gain” a source? Like they already are an introject but gain a source from something else?

June, 1 2023 at 9:17 pm

Hi, this is called Splitrojectism! When an alter has two different sources. This is possible to happen after they've formed, as we have an alter from two separate sources.

Atoz System
July, 9 2022 at 1:14 am

Hi, wild out there questions.
I'm running into a lot of systems lately who have fictives based on, say, Pokemon for example. But their face claims are not the actual mon, but rather a gajinka (sounding it our, don't know it that's spelled right) or humanized version of them (instead of yoshi being a green dinosaur from Mario, she is a blonde girl with fair skin and a shell on her back). We have never experienced this ourselves, nor have we met anyone over a certain age doing this. (I'm mostly seeing younger members of the mental health/DID communities doing this.) and I just get a lot of weird vibes from it?
Sometimes they spell their source names wrong too? (ie. Plagg from MLB was spelled Plag) I makes me feel very sketched out and concerned, especially regarding the recent trend of people (mostly kids/teens) running around and self diagnosing.
Is this normal, or should I be concerned.

May, 19 2023 at 8:55 am

its normal. not all introjects look like their source, and some chose to change their name or spell it differently to differentiate themselves from source

February, 2 2024 at 7:58 am

It's relatively standard. I'm an introject of Shadow the Hedgehog - but, if you keep calling yourself that in public, it creates some problems for everyone else in the body. I've been going by "Umbra" - I feel like it pays homage well enough, while also sounding enough like a name that I'll only get *some* looks for it.
As far as the anthropomorphized versions of the characters, it's not really something I have going on, but I probably could if I felt like it. Shape-shifting in headspace is a skill I learned pretty quickly. I think the age difference you might be seeing is more due to more anthropomorphized characters (gijinka?) being posted online, rather than anything sketchy. Easier to pilot a body if it looks roughly the same shape as yours, I imagine.
And, disclaimer, I really don't think self-diagnosis is that huge of an issue. Worst case, they end up being wrong. Getting an official diagnosis is expensive, and difficult since many therapists tend to misdiagnose DID as BPD / Schizoaffective disorders, not to mention frightening to many as some doctors heavily push final fusion, which can be seen as unappealing.

May, 26 2024 at 8:42 am

Yeas, getting better is wrong. It’s better to learn how to live together . It’s not like cancer or diabetes. Something someone might want to get rid of.

June, 1 2022 at 6:59 am

The author does not have the credentials to make these claims, she is only a BA and not a scientist, and any sources listed just bring them back to this article, which defeats the purpose of providing source material for her wild and harmful claims. This is not professional in the slightest and it’s disturbing coming from someone who is suppose to respect the medical system and it’s science, but then posts wild claims with no resources to back them up.
DID is very complex but it’s also become a horrible trend on tik-tok and tumblr, where many of them self diagnose based on YouTube and TikTok videos which is extremely damaging to those who are genuinely suffering from DID.
Those reading this and questioning, go to a real doctor, don’t self diagnose especially based off of inaccurate articles.

Cap'N Slog
July, 3 2022 at 4:05 pm

Here, here....I'm glad the top comment is a disclaimer, seriously who allows this crap to be "published" without proper credentials....not to mention if this person was really working on a master THIS would surely go against ethical guidelines torching any future employer from giving them a job. This kind of quack pseudoscience is why there are so many kids running around fake claiming disorders because they want to be trendy. This is a complete slap in the face for people who actually do suffer from DID.
As DID it's self is rare, fictives are rare in people with DID. It's also very rare for those suffering from DID to form new alters in adulthood. DID is a COPING mechanism for severe and repeated trauma that develops before age 8 when the sense of self is developing. You cannot develop DID after this, you can have dissosiative episodes in respnce to trauma but that is not the same as DID or even OSDD. Experience of trauma in early childhood does not mean a person will develop DID. The DSM would not exist if all trauma = DID. Many mental disorders have overlaping symptoms. Getting a diagnosis for DID takes years and is extreamly rare to be given prior to the age of 18.... no credible clinician would but their name next to these crappot claims. I'm so ready for the "having severe mental illness is cool" trend to be over with.

Orphæ system
September, 4 2022 at 4:08 am

This is exactly how multiple parts of my system manifest. The validation you seek from the same people demonizing us ain’t coming pal. Were you there in the head of every system forming, did the captain survey every living human? In countries like America, being able to get a DID diagnosis at the bare minimum is a luxury. Play your little participation games all you like but leave other systems out of it. Beg on your own.
God forbid somebody think they have a mental illness and be wrong and it’s a different one! Oh no! We don’t have any protections or recognition either way. Policing others’ beings when you could literally not have less control over anything. If you are a system you should know full well people have different experiences with different brains that defy the “standard human experience.” We got Split in recent memory, and honestly how dare you put that onto people trying to figure out if they are plural in reality as it exists now in current year. Didn’t really see the DSM community up in arms over that one did we.
I’m harsh because I used to be you. I used to throw my personal medical details around offhand off my little mental Rolodex I’d developed for whenever it was time for “what’s wrong with you?” Well here are all my proofs of trauma and my psych eval that wasn’t anybody’s business and didn’t amount to me getting my stupid diagnosis anyway, multiple alters spoke, it didn’t matter. It’s a very understudied condition, buckaroo, that’s kind of the point.
Put your faith of self existence in this broken structure by all means. You seem fine there. Don’t drag other systems into it tho, we don’t really have the time as human beings for that kind of self indulgence.

May, 26 2024 at 8:55 am

We need these people so when we write our plural characters, we can base them off these people. It makes it very realistic.

May, 26 2024 at 9:01 am

Is it? Years ago I was able to predict someone on my LJ friend list’s next headmate. I hated that character for years because of it, and he was very mopey. Then 3 or so years ago I fell in love with that character. And because I was part of the “ soulbond world” since the late 90s, a version of him was in the back of my mind. Even if I stoped beliving in actual spirits ( I got rid of him late June last year and I have not been right eversense.but it made no sense to have someone both in and not I. My head at the same time, and it’s just my own mind for all those years, transforming into whatever I’m into .I destroyed a part of myself and I can physically feel the void in my mind.)

shroom system (real) (not clickbait)
May, 22 2022 at 6:41 pm

Honestly reading some of these comments made me sick and want to cry. I know someone already said something about the comments but I'd assume people are still coming to this website and reading them and that comment was kind of old. I've seen a lot of people asking if it's disrespectful for alters (who are not of the same ethnicity of the body) to use their names when fronting. My answer would be no, it's not. As an example, if an alters name is Ayaka then that alter should be allowed to use that name when fronting, because alters are their own person and are separate from other alters and the core. And based off of some of the comments I've been reading, Asian people are saying that they actually like the fact that people want to use names from their culture. In my eyes it is not disrespectful. One of our fictives, Xiangling, uses her name when fronting, and although I (the core) am not of Asian descent, Xiangling is still allowed to use her name especially if she feels most comfortable with it.
This comment is actually pretty long oops 💀 but I've also seen people asking about fictive heavy systems. Yes they exist. Three of my good friends from around the world are systems and they all are fictive heavy. And although it's rare to have a system full of fictives, it's still possible and they had formed for a reason. You can't choose what fictives to form, and they don't split because someone thought the character was 'cute' or 'cool'.
yeha im gonna stop now- and im also gonna stop using grammar that was painful

the valentine collective
August, 18 2022 at 9:44 am

As though this comment is pretty old, i just wanted to put it out there that "core" is a very out dated term. I pretty sure that the correct term that you would use if you wanted to refer to the alter that looks like the body you would call them the body holder or simply the host but i would run to the first one if the body holder isn't the host. this isnt hate because i didnt want to let another system have wrong info and give people a reason to fakeclaim them!

May, 14 2022 at 2:25 pm

Hello. I was wondering if a fictive can have both source memories and memories of the body. Thank you.

February, 15 2023 at 1:02 pm

Totally! I’m in a fictive-heavy system (and yes! many of us formed in adulthood too! Protecting the body doesn’t end in childhood). Lots of us have a mix of both, and the longer we’re around the more we get body memories both as new ones are formed and as communication gets better. And sometimes just because brains are weird and provide new memories!

Neon Chat (System)
March, 23 2022 at 3:45 pm

Hi, I was wondering something.
What is the difference between an IRL and a Fictive? They get tossed around (Along with fuzztive, but I've figured that one out by now.) almost anywhere the DID community is and I can't find any explanation.
Thank you and have a good week!

April, 5 2022 at 7:15 pm

IRL is a term for a delusional attachment/delusional misidentification caused by schizophrenia, etc., it's when you have a delusion to being an item, animal, character, etc.

shroom system (real) (not clickbait)
May, 22 2022 at 6:46 pm

an IRL is another word for DA (delusional attachment). anyone can have an IRL and they usually arent permanent. people can have multiple IRLs ranging from just 1 to 50 (I have around 30-40). a person without DID or OSDD can be an IRL, so its not exactly a system term. but just because someone is an IRL doesnt mean they are any less valid then fictives
fictives are alters that are or are based off of fictional people or characters. fictives, while they already come from a media, can also have IRLs of different characters from different sources(but they dont have to)

November, 22 2021 at 7:59 pm

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is it possible for a fictive to have its source memories yet not associate with its source?

April, 8 2022 at 11:10 am

From my own experience with having a partner with DID and a mainly fictive system, the fictional introjects in their system do hold memories from their source but it isn't exact. For example, all of these fictives are game-based. They have memories from their backstory, but as soon as it comes to the actual gameplay, that's where they differ and have no connection to.

February, 15 2023 at 1:05 pm

Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. And it can vary even between alters formed together from the same source. Sometimes the memories feel real, or stronger than for others.

September, 28 2021 at 6:27 am

I have two questions. Can an existing introject suddenly realise they are split from not one but two sources? Example of character A and character B. The system initially knew they were an introject of A, but not B.
And question two, can a preexisting alter who thought they WEREN’T an introject realise they were in fact an introject? My system has been in shambles trying to figure out 😓

February, 7 2022 at 5:09 pm

I know this is an old comment, but my system went through the same thing! Our alter who used to be named Chelsea realized she was a fictive only AFTER playing her source. Same with our fictive Kenna, who's a fictive of Kenny from south park. It's possible, and now that I know someone else has experienced the same, I'd say it's somewhat common!

September, 14 2021 at 10:34 pm

My friend has DID and one of her fictives is Hanako from and Anime called "Toilet Bound Hanako-Kun" but one of my other friends thinks it's disrespectful to use an asian name since she's not actually asian. Please help I'm so confused and I've been trying to research this explanation for hours.

September, 16 2021 at 9:51 am

yeah it is disrespectful to use your source name when you arent bodily that race. its disrespectful and other asians systems have shown their dislike for this. its very easy to look for new names though

October, 28 2021 at 6:03 am

Hi! I’m Asian myself, but I don’t see an issue with it. It’s like having a new name in languages you like. As long as she doesn’t act in ways that appropriate Asian cultures, it’s totally cool to do that!

the nuke circus
November, 9 2021 at 4:49 pm

hey! i have a quick question, i’m a fictive from my hero acadimia and i’m being told i’m racist for using my name? i just wanted to check if it’s ok for me to use the name izuku -izuku

November, 12 2021 at 12:40 am

uh im also asian (filipino + japanese) and an introject (akira/joker p5 whats up) and yeah youre racist for using a japanese name if youre not japanese. like you might be japanese in your source and possibly also in headspace but nobody in real life will ever look at you and know that, theyll just see whats on the outside. you dont know anything about the culture so youre just appropriating it... you can easily look up alternative names to go by. sorry for like sounding rude, its just i feel like this is common sense

November, 20 2021 at 9:55 pm

um? why can't use a name that they like? the idea that certain names are "off limits" because of who your ancestors happen to be is just really stupid. japanese culture is beautiful and im happy people like it!

November, 27 2021 at 8:06 am

its not stupid actually its cultural appropriation and its a serious problem even if its just a name. whats stupid is that white people can have ethnic names and not have to face discrimination for it like i and other asians do but whatever man

December, 4 2021 at 11:50 am

Hi I’m Asian (50%Japanese 25% Korean, and 25%Kazakh), and it’s not “cultural appropriation” and saying it is is pretty stupid. People with DID can’t pick their alters so 1: If they form an fictive alter from an anime they didn’t choose to have that fictive so therefore the name isn’t their fault. If you’re actually an introject you should know that and 2: People don’t pick their names. I know. Crazy. I lived in Japan for most of my life (I don’t now) and there used to be a white American transfer student in my class. Her real name was an American name but it was too hard to annunciate it, so everybody called her Sakura because her skin was kind of pink like a Sakura petal. You gonna say that’s cultural appropriation?
Plus, yeah that person will never be Japanese on the outside but just because they have a Japanese fictive doesn’t mean they are claiming to be Japanese. And 3: As a half Japanese person I’m happy people like our culture! I think that should be celebrated not bashed on.
Have a lovely day!

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