
Happiness and Joy - Living a Blissful Life

Long ago, I discovered that the key to happiness lies in not taking myself too seriously. Taking myself less seriously has unlocked a world of bliss in my life. I want to share with you three techniques that I use to take myself less seriously.
A mother’s life can be full of bliss. All mothers share many of the same events in life. The difference, for some, is the attitude in which motherhood is approached. For some, the sound of a baby's cry, a toddler's whining or a teenager's grumbling is difficult and frustrating. But for others, the baby's cry is a sign they need you, the toddler's whine is a sign of growth and the teenager's grumbling is a time to teach. You can find bliss in your life as a mother by learning from each of these five stages of your child's life.
I have learned, over time, that a positive attitude can lead to blissful living. Elation comes rushing out from deep inside my soul when I have feelings of happiness, which is much more often in my daily living than not. How is it that it comes so easily? It's naturally an extension of an attitude and having an instinctively positive attitude can bring much more joy and bliss into your daily living. 
Do you live your kind of life, or one you think you should live. We are, each one us, on this earth for a very short period of time. What have, or will you, make of this life? Where will you live and what will you live for? No doubt, life can be a zany ride. Ultimately, it is not what happens to you, but how you choose to respond to what’s happening. You can choose to live your kind of life.
The legacy we leave is not just in our possessions, but in the quality of our lives. What preparations should we be making now? The greatest waste in all of our earth, which cannot be recycled or reclaimed, is our waste of the time that God has given us each day. ~ Billy Graham Have you ever thought about your legacy? What does legacy mean to you? Do you associate legacy with money or personal property?
Serving others is showing compassion, goodwill and kindness. Serving others is linked to positive effects on the helping individual’s wellbeing. Likewise, those who are the recipients of good deeds experience a positive effect on their wellbeing as well. Bottom line is, serving others includes benefits for ourselves, to include increased happiness and wellbeing.
I spend time outdoors every day. As a writer, I enjoy being surrounded by nature. Breathing in fresh air is liberating. It awakens my senses and filters my thoughts (Three Ways to Manage Your Mood). I gravitate towards a wide-range of outdoor landscapes that calm, yet energize, my mind, body and soul.
I live, I love, I laugh, I cry. I’m not perfect. No one is, not you or I. ~ Unk Meaning of Perfect Are you striving to be perfect? Have you made mistakes? Are you judgmental of self and others? What does perfect mean and look like to you?
Mindfulness is a matter of seizing the moment. Are you paying attention to this moment? Will you surrender completely in this moment? Can you be happy in the moment and have it be enough? If your answers are 'no', then read on to learn why to consider changing them to 'yes'.
Laughter is simply a natural human response to something funny, built into us because the benefits of laughter keep us healthy, mentally and physically. Laughter fosters closeness with other people and nurtures bliss. It has long been recognized as strong tonic for stress and grief and a boost to relaxation and resistance to disease. Laughter is an amazing blessing, and laughter benefits your soul and your body.