

As you know, suicide is never a pleasant subject. Often times, bouts of depression are so strong that those suffering feel the only way out is to end their life. What family members are left to deal with is unbearable, as feelings of loss and guilt take over. But what happens when the suicide attempt fails? It seems that situations such as these are not any easier to deal with.
Why do people with bipolar disorder sometimes become psychotic and what's it like to experience this loss of reality in everyday life? That's what we talked about on Tuesday's HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show.
We're back in the studio this coming Tuesday, September 15, with a great show on psychosis in Bipolar Disorder.
Maria's story of living with dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a riveting one. She chronicles living with DID both undiagnosed and diagnosed, then dealing with the stigma of DID. Maria, our guest on the Misconceptions About Dissociative Identity Disorder video, wrote the following post for HealthyPlace.
Years ago, I saw the movie Sybil, about a woman with dissociative identity disorder (DID). Sybil caught the world’s attention by shedding light on what it's like living with multiple personalities and coping with dissociative identity disorder. Most recently, screenwriter Diablo Cody entertains TV viewers weekly with the real but exaggerated accounts of a woman struggling with dissociative identity disorder without the assistance of medications. This Tuesday, we'll be discussing dissociative identity disorder diagnosis and the complications of living with it day-to-day. If you are not familiar with the term dissociative identity disorder, the term multiple personality disorder or “split personality” may be more recognizable.
The joy and stress of being an Alzheimer’s caregiver was our focus on Tuesday’s show. Our guest, Barry Green, shared his account of watching his father struggle with the brain disease.
This Tuesday, we'll talking about Alzheimer’s disease and the challenges caregivers face. Alzheimer’s not only affects the patient but many Alzheimer's caregivers live with stress and depression.
Tuesday’s show was a small step in helping others who struggle with Transsexuality. Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft (psychiatrist, board-certified in adult psychiatry, addictions, and sex therapy), while in residency, worked in a program that evaluated individuals wishing to change their sexual orientation. During the show, he explained the emotions that a transsexual person lives with everyday.
Have you ever heard the term "A man trapped in a woman’s body?" Unfortunately, this is a reality for people who identify themselves as Transsexuals. This Tuesday, we will discuss the psychological process of undergoing a change in sex and attempt to understand the negative connotations that surround the subject.
On tonight’s show, Dr. Harry Croft did a wonderful job in explaining food addiction. Due to technical difficulties, our scheduled guest, Caryl Ehrlich was not able to share her insight with us. Dr. Croft provided insights into addiction to food, saying that those who suffer often deal with other issues and use food as a coping mechanism. Compulsive overeating often includes food that is high in fat and sugar; never food that is good for us such as carrots or celery.

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cassie peterson
It is so unfair! I am 14 and in eighth grade and will be recieving my Sacrement of Confirmation on June 2nd.The dress code for us girls is a white,short sleeve,knee length flowergirl style dress with flower crown,white tights and white maryjane style shoes and under our tights,white 'rubberpants'[plasticpants]! We were told that the rubberpants are for to represent the purity of our baptisms and First Communion.Me and a few other girls in my class feel that this is unfair and discriminatory as there are no 'underwear' requirements for the boys! Our parents were given a website to buy the rubberpants from so we will all have the same kind on under our tights.Has anyone here had to wear 'rubberpants' under a confirmation dress like we have to?
I feel this, 100%. Dreams are the only time I feel anything like I have a life worth living. Even when the dreams aren't necessarily great dreams, I have people I interact with that treat me well, the only time I have social ties, the only time I have good social interactions, the only time I don't have all the pain and trauma and anxiety, just ... a life that might be worth living.
John Adams
I have never needed a psychiatrist or a lawyer. But I need one or both now. I am 82 years old and don't know where to turn.
Rina Knowles
This is a great reminder of a key piece to honing our skills as a teacher.
Dawn Gressard
Hey Amanda!
First of all, thank you for sharing your story. You are a very caring person, and I commend you for, as Tammy Wynette sings, "Stand(ing) by your man." That aside, I wholeheartedly agree with you that those living with depression may seem selfish to someone on the outside. Still, in reality, they (me also being one of them) think our loved ones would be better off without us around because of our depression. We think we are doing our loved ones a favor by leaving. Depression causes our brains to work in different ways, causing us to think distortedly -- so no, we are not purposefully being selfish. Thank you for seeing that with your loved one and not allowing someone else to convince you otherwise.