

Email can become confusing and overwhelming for the adult with ADHD. So many distractions and noise—a veritable Pandora's Box. Today I discuss my system to get on top of the inbox.
I just came back from the Academy of Eating Disorders international conference in Salzburg. To my chagrin, one thing I discovered is that eating disorder treatment professionals around the world can't agree on eating disorder terminology. They still use different terms to describe the same thing, and it makes discussing eating disorders very confusing.
I have had this exchange a thousand times, “I’m really depressed.” “Why, what happened?” Have you been missing the plot?
Back in 2002, when I first started learning about eating disorders, it was rare for the media to mention genetics. Now it is rare for it not to be mentioned. But how much further are we on this? The idea of a genetic predisposition to eating disorders still causes a range of reactions: from relief to ridicule.
Have you ever been in a stressful situation and made it out alright, but then had a panic attack afterward when everything calmed down? I had a family vacation I was stressing about once. I was worried before we left, but I didn't have any anxiety on the trip itself, until the drive home when the worst was over. I suddenly and unexpectedly got hit with a panic attack I couldn't manage. What's up with that?
Everyone gets buried in email, especially the disorganized, but is there a way to get back on top without abandoning email entirely?
HealthyPlace is known as a mental health site, so when we opened the HealthyPlace Diabetes Center this month, we wondered would anyone really come. Since June 1, over 8,000 people have viewed the content; many of them very interested in our special section on Diabetes and Mental Health, written by award-winning mental health author, Julie Fast.
Last night, I watched Crazy for Love a very bad movie wherein a man, Max, is put into a mental hospital for attempting suicide for the tenth time. When he’s there, he glimpses a very ill, schizophrenic, Grace, whereupon he instantaneously falls in love with her. She too is determined to kill herself. His life’s mission then is to “make her better”. To “make her happy”. Having found his new mission in life, he no longer wants to kill himself. Well, pin a rose on his nose.
When most people think of anorexia, they think of weight loss. But often the first clue isn't losing weight, it is a child failing to gain expected weight.
Today is one of those days where if I am asked to do one more thing for someone, I am going to lose it. I am a people-pleaser, which means I have a really hard time saying no. So when I am asked to help out, I am almost always going to reply with a big grin and a "sure thing," even if I don't want to. Today I feel stretched so thin. I feel like I am just not capable to do all of it. But I stress that if I break commitments, then I will make someone mad at me. So, either way, I lose. Stress is there no matter what. What happened to good old laid back Fridays?

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Elizabeth Caudy
Dear Fosej, Thank you for your comment. And thank you for agreeing with me. It means the world! Best, Elizabeth
Your mental health IS a far greater contributor to your well being and the well being of those around you than what is going on in the world of politics. Others might argue with that - you allude to the common sentiment that it is a luxury or privilege to not have to care about politics - but such people are too close to their own stories.

Happiness and freedom come from within.
Deborah Powell
Good evening my name is Debbie I'm 69 years of age and I have a little blood pressure issue but it's mainly due more to my poor eating habits anyway I've had this all my life I've always worked 3to4 jobs all my adult life now I can't and I've tried non stimulant meds all it does is cause nightmares and I had ekg done on my heart and it came up normal I've jumped threw hoop after hoop I'm sooooo stressed out about it I'm so hyper constantly I can't get anything done I continue to go from one thing to another my life is all over the place I've got 3 doctors and their making life even harder for me thanks for listening
Tod Zuckerman
I struggle with GAD.. GAD causes many of us to make stupid decisions, which makes things even worse. .This article helped.
Mine are on my upper/inner thighs, nobody knows or has seen except my boyfriend but I’m not sure how I can keep it hidden from my friends or family without having to try too hard