

Have you ever heard the term "A man trapped in a woman’s body?" Unfortunately, this is a reality for people who identify themselves as Transsexuals. This Tuesday, we will discuss the psychological process of undergoing a change in sex and attempt to understand the negative connotations that surround the subject.
On tonight’s show, Dr. Harry Croft did a wonderful job in explaining food addiction. Due to technical difficulties, our scheduled guest, Caryl Ehrlich was not able to share her insight with us. Dr. Croft provided insights into addiction to food, saying that those who suffer often deal with other issues and use food as a coping mechanism. Compulsive overeating often includes food that is high in fat and sugar; never food that is good for us such as carrots or celery.
We'll be discussing food addiction on the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV Show this Tuesday. With depression, obesity and diabetes on the rise in the United States, addiction to food is a serious matter. Finding out the reason why you are overeating is the first step to living a life free of shame.
Narcissism: An Inflated Sense of Self It’s always a good idea to have some self-worth. We are often reminded of the old adage “you have to love yourself before you can love someone else.” While this is true for some, there are others in this world that can do without the second part of that cliché. For them, self-love and admiration is extreme and results in problematic and unhealthy relationships.
While the term "sexual addiction" may not be accepted in the world of psychiatry, Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, says it is very real and carries hefty consequences.
Being an addict is difficult. The desire for drugs, alcohol or cigarettes can be so powerful that the need will disrupt the ability to lead a normal life.
The topic of Tuesday’s show, Surviving the Suicide of a Child, was quite difficult, but we hope it may prevent the tragic loss of another life by suicide. Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, provided some reasons why children and teens might choose to die by suicide: • Depression • Loss of relationship • Drug and alcohol abuse
Where do you turn? How do you cope when your child commits suicide? The transformation from childhood into teenage years should be a memorable one. The progression from grade school to middle school, then to high school brings special moments such as school dances, track meets and new friends. However, some kids have different experiences. Pain from rejection, bullying, and disappointments consume some children and cause them to end their lives by suicide.
Living with obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) can cause a sufferer a lot of agony. HealthyPlace Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft, says OCD sufferers are paralyzed by unwanted thoughts, doubt, and fear. It’s these irrational thoughts, reports Dr. Croft, that cause repetitive actions such as checking, counting, or washing hands, just to bring them to what they feel is a "safe" place. The true inspiration of Tuesday’s show was our guest, James Callner. He took us through his journey with OCD from the very beginning, at age 29. Now in his late fifties, he still suffers from OCD, but is proud to say that he lives in a high-functioning state.
Have you ever experienced unwanted thoughts or felt the need to repeat an action over-and-over again until you felt safe? Have these thoughts or actions caused you anxiety, to the point of interfering with your normal activities? If so, we invite you to watch Tuesday night’s show focusing on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

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Elizabeth Caudy
Dear Fosej, Thank you for your comment. And thank you for agreeing with me. It means the world! Best, Elizabeth
Your mental health IS a far greater contributor to your well being and the well being of those around you than what is going on in the world of politics. Others might argue with that - you allude to the common sentiment that it is a luxury or privilege to not have to care about politics - but such people are too close to their own stories.

Happiness and freedom come from within.
Deborah Powell
Good evening my name is Debbie I'm 69 years of age and I have a little blood pressure issue but it's mainly due more to my poor eating habits anyway I've had this all my life I've always worked 3to4 jobs all my adult life now I can't and I've tried non stimulant meds all it does is cause nightmares and I had ekg done on my heart and it came up normal I've jumped threw hoop after hoop I'm sooooo stressed out about it I'm so hyper constantly I can't get anything done I continue to go from one thing to another my life is all over the place I've got 3 doctors and their making life even harder for me thanks for listening
Tod Zuckerman
I struggle with GAD.. GAD causes many of us to make stupid decisions, which makes things even worse. .This article helped.
Mine are on my upper/inner thighs, nobody knows or has seen except my boyfriend but I’m not sure how I can keep it hidden from my friends or family without having to try too hard