

Tuesday night, during the live show on 'Finding Hope for Treatment Resistant Depression,' Medical Director, Dr. Harry Croft and our host, Gary, discussed some important information for those suffering from treatment resistant depression (TRD).
Great advances have been made in the treatment of depression . The advent of SSRI's like Prozac continue to change the lives of millions. Unfortunately, a significant percentage of depression sufferers do not respond to antidepressant medication and modern psychotherapy either completely or partially and are still affected by sadness, disinterest in activities, and sometimes suicide.
Imagine feeling your chest tighten and you cannot breathe. You know you're having a heart attack and you rush to the hospital only to be told there is nothing physically wrong with you. For many people suffering from panic attacks , these symptoms can be a commonplace occurrence. These anxiety attacks can be completely debilitating, preventing people from living normal lives or even going to work. Panic attacks accompany a wide range of other mental illnesses such as depression and agoraphobia .
The National Institutes of Health has estimated that between 3-5 percent of all children suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) . The diagnosis of ADHD has never been without controversy.
I want to thank all of you who tuned in to our show last night on families and addiction. A lot of time is spent discussing the addict and the addiction itself, but not enough time is spent on family and friends of the addict.
According to the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, over 23 million Americans suffer from an addiction to drugs or alcohol. We all know addictions can destroy the life of the addict, but what about the family? How can the family cope and support the addict without being co-dependant and feeding the addiction? Our topic for the HealthyPlace Mental Health TV show airing live, this Tuesday, March 31st is "Families and Addiction."
The National Institute of Mental Health estimated that 26.2 percent of Americans suffered from a mental disorder in 2006. That is over one quarter of the adult population who needed help. Have you ever wondered if you might need help or suffer from depression or another mental illness ? Do you know where to find help? Our HealthyPlace TV Show, this coming Tuesday, March 24th is titled: "Reaching Out: How To Know If You Need Help and Where To Find It."
I wanted to thank all of you for watching our show last night on "Soldiers and the Hidden Battle, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder." The show had some really great information for anyone affected by PTSD .
Well over one million American troops have fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. While many troops have given the ultimate sacrifice, many more soldiers may be closet casualties of the war; suffering from nightmares, flashbacks, aggression, and alienation from loved ones. They may not even be able to hold down a job. (See description of PTSD )
Imagine being a cutter, self-injurer, for many years. Wanting to stop, even stopping off-and-on, but always returning to it. Our HealthyPlace TV Show, this coming Tuesday, March 10, is titled: "I am a self-injurer and I cannot stop." Our guest is Dana. You can read a bit more about her struggle with self-injury and see an intro video here.

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Elizabeth Caudy
Dear Fosej, Thank you for your comment. And thank you for agreeing with me. It means the world! Best, Elizabeth
Your mental health IS a far greater contributor to your well being and the well being of those around you than what is going on in the world of politics. Others might argue with that - you allude to the common sentiment that it is a luxury or privilege to not have to care about politics - but such people are too close to their own stories.

Happiness and freedom come from within.
Deborah Powell
Good evening my name is Debbie I'm 69 years of age and I have a little blood pressure issue but it's mainly due more to my poor eating habits anyway I've had this all my life I've always worked 3to4 jobs all my adult life now I can't and I've tried non stimulant meds all it does is cause nightmares and I had ekg done on my heart and it came up normal I've jumped threw hoop after hoop I'm sooooo stressed out about it I'm so hyper constantly I can't get anything done I continue to go from one thing to another my life is all over the place I've got 3 doctors and their making life even harder for me thanks for listening
Tod Zuckerman
I struggle with GAD.. GAD causes many of us to make stupid decisions, which makes things even worse. .This article helped.
Mine are on my upper/inner thighs, nobody knows or has seen except my boyfriend but I’m not sure how I can keep it hidden from my friends or family without having to try too hard