
When People with Mental Illness Become Prey

February 25, 2014 Becky Oberg

There's a rumor going around that my payee was fired because he was pocketing the money from his clients' Social Security checks. The results have not been pretty. Trust between staff and clients is on the skids, and people are borderline paranoid of losing more money. When someone asked, "Why do they take advantage of mentally ill people like that?", my friend Michael replied, "Because they can." It made me think about what happens when people with mental illness have encounters with the criminal justice system.

The truth about mental illness and crime

The stereotype of a person with mental illness is that of a violent criminal. While there are some concerns, most fear of people with mental illness is unfounded. In fact, according to several studies, people with mental illness are more likely to be the victims of crime. Why is this? As my friend Michael put it, we're an easy opportunity.

Social Security does not pay much and people with severe mental illness often can not work. In addition to this, most facilities for people with severe mental illness are in bad neighborhoods. Just as a person without a mental illness would be at greater risk in that situation, so is a person with mental illness.

I seem to have a knack at stumbling across crimes in progress, ranging from grand theft auto to assault. My therapist and I discussed this, coming to the conclusion that it was due to me venturing out of my apartment and walking through a bad neighborhood to get to the bus stop. Since part of recovery is not staying at home all the time, we decided to accept this as a consequence of recovery.

Fair? No. Reality? Yes.

The prosecutor doesn't trust us.

I've been the victim of one sexual assault and one physical assault. Both times I filed a police report. Both times the prosecutor was aware of my psychiatric diagnosis. Both times the attacker got off on a technicality and my diagnosis may have played a part.

After the sexual assault, the prosecutor said there was not enough evidence to prove use of force. Reality was I couldn't fight back--I was paralyzed with terror and decided it was in my best interest not to fight back. I firmly believe that if I was not a psychiatric patient, the case would have been prosecuted. But it would have been easy for the defence to make me look unstable and like I'd consented and then changed my mind.

After the physical assault, which happened in a psychiatric hospital, the police refused to arrest my attacker because "she'd just be processed and sent back here." The prosecutor said it would be "too hard" to prosecute as my attacker was also a psychiatric patient. The second-in-command at the hospital said this happened often--that he'd even requested people be arrested and the police refused. He also said that all the defence would have to do was subpoena the psychiatrist. I firmly believe that if mental illness had not been involved, justice would have been done.

Picking up the pieces

When you are the victim of a crime, you have to come to terms with what happened. Talking with a therapist is vital--the prosecutor's office should be able to refer you.

I've come to terms with what happened to me by writing about it. This does not mean that I am completely free of the pain. It does mean that some days are better than others and that it does not dominate my life. That's as close to healing as possible at this point in time.

Take it one day at a time. Things do get better. Scars remain, but they are a sign of survival.

APA Reference
Oberg, B. (2014, February 25). When People with Mental Illness Become Prey, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, March 14 from

Author: Becky Oberg

March, 23 2023 at 8:17 pm

When he comes up to me it's weird I go into a dreamlike state then like a alter its blurry kin of and sometimes I pass out like we're having a conversation that I don know I'm having then I feel weird I don't like it but he don't stop I tel him up tries t tell me who iam and take avenge of it leaving tomorrow to go to doctor to get away he sais I faking it but I not it gets bad sometimes really bad it's a bad place
My mouth taste weird to haven't Sowers ether so I can try to have DNA on me needed to tell somebody

Noah Volk
April, 3 2024 at 8:36 pm

Hey are you OK do you need someone to contact someone for you the things you describe is RAPE!

March, 23 2023 at 8:10 pm

I have an alter where I have no controll of and when someone in my house touches me I don't realize till after and thy dont tell me but know it's going on sometimes put in situation I tell them not to put in but they do it anyway I got bad mental ilness and being tooking advantage of I going to doctor tomorrow to get away I get molested every day and kissed by a man and he saisi like it then calls me crazy so he can keep doing it he tries to tell me who I am I live in a bad situation

August, 25 2022 at 9:51 am

I have psychosis and my problem is I draw attention to myself in the street with my behaviour . I also respond to the voices in an angry way- I shout I scream and I talk to myself out loud . I understand I am attracting the attention of sexual predators and people who have prejudice against mentally ill people- I find it very difficult to control my behaviour and am not well at all at the moment . I find it difficult to think and control my behaviour so that I behave in an anti social stupid and self destructive way. It’s like my mind goes blank and all I can think of is how I feel and that I’ve had brain surgery done . How do I control my behaviour and response to my voices so that I don’t draw undesirable attention to myself and am not a victim of sexual predators . I understand at the moment I am a very easy target for them

Mary Lou S.
February, 17 2021 at 9:39 pm

I am a Lady, mentally ill with manic depression.
12 years ago, in a psychiatric facility, I was spotted by a narcissist and schizophrenic rich Lady. She made me believe we would be friends. I was so alone and economically poor, that I felt flattered.
For 12 years, I hanged around with her. She has psychologically destroyed me with her narcissistic abuse. When I tried to cut ties with her, she would stalk me and hovered me back. She was not respecting private property of my home, and I felt unsafe.
She finally abused me calling the emergency numbers to put me into psychiatric hospital for a month for no reason, after I had not been answering her stalking phone calls.
I turned to our small town police to prosecute her, and I found myself prosecuted for bothering such a rich and highly well known Lady in our town.
I had to write a letter by myself to a high authority of the Federal Government to longly explain the situation, and obtain a restriction order advocating human rights.
Now, the Major and Chief of the Police of my town hate me, for getting "dirty", the reputation of such a distinguished, rich and well known Lady, and started harassing me.
Not finding one single lawyer to defend me or take me seriously because of my mental illness, I had to write an official letter by myself to a Senator from the Federal government.
Now I am finally at peace and safe in my home, and have started therapy for recovering of PTSD, burn out, and long lasting exposure to narcissistic abuse.

February, 19 2021 at 6:55 am

Hi Mary Lou,
Thanks for reading and for taking the time to comment. I am not the original author but I am the new writer for the More than Borderline blog.
I'm sorry to hear that you were in such a traumatic relationship, but I'm glad that you are now safe and working towards your recovery. Good luck!

Mr.John Wesley Sillette
October, 12 2019 at 1:52 pm

It a shame when people take advantage of mentally disabled women with kids? I have a sibling who's house was tore up by an organization/law enforcement agencies/media; the home was left to her & 3 children by her deceased U.S.Air Force veteran father. Sad but true; no such thing as justice. She receives hardly no help from the Air Force or government either, the Devil is very real..
God Bless What The Devil Don't Cook;
Mr.John Wesley Sillette

David Crawford
January, 15 2019 at 5:12 am

Can someone be charged for taking money off a mental ill person under false pretenses

gina West
September, 13 2017 at 10:58 am

It's a shame that there is such a stigma concerning the mentally ill. I have been abused for being overly kind and loving, but gullible is the reason. Unfortunate for me I have a past history of substance abuse(talking 24 years clean). What's the clincher ? The man was bed bound! I am neurologically impaired. I rather not go into details but of course I was portrayed as the culprit. THERE OUTTA BE A LAW!!

Michele Rhodes
July, 24 2017 at 11:50 pm

I need help I am being taken advantage of by my dds. A procedure that should have taken 6 months has been going on for a year with no finish in site. The only reason this is happening is because I am mentally disabled. They have caused me to become a complete shut in. Just yesterday I called them totally distraught n was promised a call back which of course never came. This whole process has become a huge nightmare n I have nobody to turn to. I don't have a mental health advocate n don't know how to get one. Can someone help me please?

June, 3 2017 at 1:23 am

How can I prove to courts that someone with mental illness was emotionally abused while in a relationship with someone who wasn't ill. Isn't it consent if the person with mental illness is allowing this?

Amanda Sumpter
April, 21 2017 at 1:51 pm

Im so sorry you had to go through this. You are a brave and strong women. There is bad in this world and you've continued to be the good.

How to Spot a Sexual Predator - HealthyPlace
March, 29 2017 at 5:43 pm

[…] you know how to spot a sexual predator? It is a sad fact of life that some people prey sexually on others–and it’s not always the weak and helpless who are victims. Strong, capable people may […]

almost dead
June, 4 2016 at 9:30 am

Awesome article, Becky. For several years, and I have been forced to move around because of this - some people have been following me wherever I go, and honking their car horn. This doesn't stop - when I'm at home, they do it too. Anyone I've talked to about it (family, friends, social workers) immediately give the same response, 'Are you sure you are not imagining it? Maybe it's part of your mental illness.' (the term 'gas-lighting' comes to mind)
In my opinion, it doesn't get more 'evil' than that - goodbye privacy, autonomy, any sense of safety and equal opportunity. Tell the police? Yeah, sure. There's a case dismissed before it even gets a fair read. What's the answer, then? It's the end of civilization. Period.

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

May, 26 2018 at 8:52 am

Amen brother

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

January, 3 2022 at 1:39 am

It's real, been through it and it constantly changes - being aware of it and simultaneously ignoring it is the key, while furnishing yourself with your own hobbies, career, study, home, family who ARE supportive and also, a huge thing is letting go of the need for approval and validation.
They can't tap into you if you lift into your higher self (I can feel something rize in my head, oddly enough) and laugh at them in pity, keep a record of offenders because this is syndicated and one day, you'll be asked to share that list. Make complaints when you're feeling like your true self and writing is flowing in a concise way, find a way to get anything beaurocratic done despite customer service not being helpful, make freedom of info applications and use it as evidence when you make complaints.
You very soon get put in the 'too hard' basket, but they'll try to induce, and will await another break down. Neurotypical people have break downs, most people have at least one in their life (obviously) and after all the administrative, professional complaint handling you've practiced, you will not think twice about standing up for yourself and making a complaint knowimg that you may have not acted like a perfect princess, you may have furrowed a brow and spoken shortly but not raised your voice, and you'll forget the implications of mental health and stand up.
I'm not saying you don't, just trying to capture a 'feeling' with that example.
The world is changing and yes, it is the end of uncivilised toxic living, but this is happening in a wave and we all need to get our irons in the fire. Say what must be said, or keep your head down to earn a better place in this world - you are not a criminal and don't deserve to be treated like one by actual criminals.
By the way - anyone who goes through that experience (your's) and survives themselves, there aren't words for the respect you deserve. You are so resilient of mind, it is something to be proud of and you are probably being purposely distracted from your potential. People like you change the world.
I don't have a non-namesake handle but if you'd like to know another person who's been through it, leave some way of adding you somewhere.
I'm offering as a gesture I would have killed for 18 months ago, but to be honest, I believe that this happens as a test. You need to be isolated, get sick of your own crap and also love yourself so much they can't touch you, this test will make or break you but you will come out of it a frickin' diamond from all the pressure.
People you prompt for reassurance who are lower-level syndicated, high-level Munchausen will say, "you're not that special..." and they are aware of the amount of money it costs to do this to people.
Make it not worth the money, don't bother looking out the window for days at the street-theatre because there is enjoyment in knowing these cretins are wasting their resources on someone who is unaffected.
I am still isolated and I do still consider suicide a lot as a logical response to everyone probably being relieved if I were dead and the constant effort with little lasting reward or views of the future, but like recovery, it's also one day at a time and each good idea I have, it makes me remember that I want to help people, and also finish my studies, and it is easy to ignore evil when you are not idle.
I'm going to take my own advice, I hope.
I'm sorry it was so long, I felt a pang and thought you might benefit from the effort I wanted to give to someone I know has to work 50 times harder for anything they want in life.
Even right now, my 'quiet for months' neighbours now blare depressing music, accurately aligned with my current depressive state and funnily enough, I type this, my comment deletes itself (I always copy as I expect this) and they turn it down immediately as I begin typing it.
It's meant to make me have to ask people about it and either out myself or doubt myself.
Perfect - "Don't OUT or DOUBT yourself, you're better than them, you clearly have something they can feel, and they're jealous, or afraid, or just plain conditioned to believe they're doing something right or virtuous. They will all be exposed and all we have to do is exist, for that to happen :)
You're not almost dead, you're almost alive.
Don't say "I wish I was dead", exchange it for "I wish I was alive", because it might come true and you're important, you have value others hunt in droves.
I know it doesn't feel like it, but that's on you (and mine's on me).
Blessings on your soul x

mar peters
April, 1 2016 at 2:48 pm

Ms. Oberg, you fail to realize that people who rape and take advantage of the elderly or any vulnerable group, these people are not well. Normal people do not rape or rob from the poor. So what we should say is that some mentally ill people are victims of other mentally ill people. This happens in jail where there are plenty of mentally ill and non mentally ill, and there are rapes, among females and among males. You need to realize that there are some mental conditions, like narcissism, that are not obvious to the casual observer. People think, in cluding you, that evil exists, and that these people behave criminally out of evil nature. I suggest that that is not the case. Normal people are not evil. If you see somebody behaving evilly it's because they are not well in the head. Jail is the worst thing that can happen to them.

Eliana Cobain
April, 1 2016 at 10:12 am

Thanks you Becky,
Great post, very valuable. And sending you all the best in your recovery and healing.

December, 23 2015 at 12:42 pm

My depression went from my being able to work a regular job and then escalated to where I had to make my own decision and resign. Yes, I still miss my job, but had to do what was best for me and my husband. I was cognitive enough to make that decision.

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