
5 Tips to Improve Confidence Immediately

May 8, 2013 Emily Roberts MA, LPC

When you feel your confidence about to take a nose dive or are anticipating a situation that may cause you to doubt yourself, be prepared. Try a tip that may keep you from heading down the path of least effectiveness; leading to feeling insecure and lowering your overall self-esteem. Although many suggestions to increase confidence are in the moment, that’s the point. When you take control, instead of going into a spiral of negative thinking, and lift or maintain your mood to get you through this experience, overall your self-esteem remains intact or increases. Find which quick tips to improve confidence work for you and add them to your daily routine.

Quick Confidence Building Tips

1. Dress to Impress. I recently read an article by a woman who suffered from severe depression. She mentioned one way that she got out of bed was to take pride in her appearance. Grooming, picking out a nice outfit (we are not talking about a ball gown or tux) rather a pressed shirt and slacks, and putting effort into her appearance, helped her perk up. Did this “fix” her depression or make her self-confidence sore, no, but it did help her feel more confident for the day. Knowing she took care of herself on the outside reflected inward.

2. Validate Yourself. In a room full of medical doctors, Ph.D’s and others who held degrees higher than my own, I felt a ping of insecurity. Rather than harping on the negative, I chose to be real. I was in that room, at that conference for the same reason as them, to learn. I was also there because I, too, earned it and others believed in me (to send me there). I also reminded myself what unique gifts I brought to the room and how each of us brought something different from our individual and professional backgrounds. Choosing to turn my mind towards the truth, the positive reality, was a healthy choice. It also allowed me to access my confident self in order to make a good impression.

3. Tackle the Lingering To-Do List.
Pick a task that you have been dreading. Calling your accountant, checking in on your credit card rate, or making a payment - something that has been lingering on the totem pole of your to do list and you have just been putting off. Taking control over a situation that can affect your livelihood is an immediate relief and act of self-respect.

4. Do Something Kind For Your Body. If you have five extra minutes, make yourself a healthy breakfast this morning rather than hitting up the coffee shop or fast food joint. Got more time this afternoon? Go for a walk or a quick workout. Feel like you already fudged? It’s never too late to spend a little healthy time on yourself. Instead of grabbing that sugary Starbucks creation later in the day, grab a good-for-you green juice. Want to veg out to an episode of your favorite show, do quick workouts during the commercials. You will feel better. When we are nice to our bodies and recognize these choices, our confidence perks up.

5. Research. Get a bit savvier on a topic that you are interested in. This is not only a distraction tool to help you from heading down the insecurity path, it can push you into knowing more about something of value. Whether you are looking up new movies that come out this weekend or are interested in learning more about organic eating, a travel destination, or whatever topic tickles you, get online and start searching. The more you know, the better you feel.

Add your quick confidence building tips below and share them with others. Many clients have told me things, such as affirmations, looking at their resumes (when worried about their confidence at work) and calling a close pal for reassurance, are great confidence builders. What confidence boosters work for you?

Take Good Care.

Emily is the author of Express Yourself: A Teen Girls Guide to Speaking Up and Being Who You Are.You can visit Emily’s Guidance Girl website. You can also find her on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter.

APA Reference
Roberts, E. (2013, May 8). 5 Tips to Improve Confidence Immediately, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2024, October 23 from

Author: Emily Roberts MA, LPC

Emily is a psychotherapist, she is intensively trained in DBT, she the author of Express Yourself: A Teen Girls Guide to Speaking Up and Being Who You Are. You can visit Emily’s Guidance Girl website. You can also find her on FacebookGoogle+ and Twitter.

James Clerk
July, 1 2014 at 10:40 pm

Another tip is confidence does not means arrogance, always be humble, it's easier to influence people that way.

Svet Nazarov
October, 27 2013 at 2:17 pm

Great post. I think its not only walk the talk, but also talk the walk. I like how you addressed how we need to look. No one will take us seriously if we don't dress well. I also share 4 top secrets in how I was able to gain some confidence here:

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

November, 10 2013 at 12:01 pm

Thanks Svet! Your right if we show up for an interview in sweatpants its not a great first impression, unless your going to be working at the gym. Making sure to take a moment to see how you are presenting yourself, given the situation is important. Thanks for the reminder! Emily

Michelle Sears
May, 22 2013 at 4:28 am

I love your post Emily. It is the simple things in life that make us feel the best about ourselves. Most of us try to make things so complex and complicated that it takes way too long to figure out that no one even has the energy to try. But it really doesn't have to be that way. And once we see and believe that to be true, life becomes so much more enjoyable.:)

In reply to by Anonymous (not verified)

June, 5 2013 at 3:17 pm

Thank you! Great points I appreciate your post!

Brittney Miller
May, 15 2013 at 12:39 am

I loved the blog! I just did a YouTube video on building self-esteem so it was cool to see how our views overlap. Great job
My video:

May, 10 2013 at 4:37 am

I started exercising and this has really helped my self image and confidence. Reading and learning new things also helps me feel more confident about my abilities. Thanks for the other tips.

May, 8 2013 at 8:36 pm

Love your post. I have tried affirmations but they don't necessarily work for me. I have found that I can rewrite my story of negativity to one that is positive. I don't like the extra pounds that I have put on, so I keep telling myself that I am thin. This makes me feel lighter and happier, and I can easily cut down on food intake.

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