
Self-improvement - Living a Blissful Life

What is a bliss book? It developed from a training I recently took that assigned the creation of a brag book. The entries entail at least one thing every day I’m proud of. I’ll admit, I found this quite contrived at first. Full disclosure: I still don’t do it every day like I want to, but I've taken it on, calling it a bliss book instead.
Cyclical thought is one of the biggest causes and symptoms of downward mental health spirals. Cyclical thoughts create a loop your brain seemingly can’t get out of. These cyclical thoughts can invite anything from feeling like a bad friend to panic attacks to depressive episodes. Sometimes the thoughts become so irrational that they’re almost humorous to look back on when we emerge from them.
We all need to learn to live life now. Spending all of our mental energy focused on the past or the future means that we aren’t living in the present. We aren't living our lives right now, and, honestly, the present moment is truly the only time we have to live. Many of us are constantly distracted, but I'd encourage each of us to live life now and be fully present in this moment.
Trying to control what is out of your control just doesn't work. I’m beginning to see a familiar pattern emerging in my behavior (6 Ways to Change Your Thoughts). My constant list-making (and checking off list items), my impatience, and my wanting other people to do things the way I want them done seem to be constant. These all stem from my desire to control various aspects of my life. In effect, I'm trying to control what is out of my control.
Personal growth can be achieved through self-reflection. As December wraps up, are you considering resolutions for the coming year? Before you resolve to change a habit, take time to engage in self-reflection, which is a valuable tool for personal growth.
Fears keep us from reaching our fullest potential. Yet, if you can learn to befriend your fears, rather than giving in to them, you can feel empowered.
Responding wisely isn't easy until you get control of your emotions. Eliminate problems before they arise rather than reacting to them once they crop up. When you learn to get control of your emotions, you can respond wisely in any situation.
Personal growth doesn't necessarily only happen when the conditions are perfect. Seeds tend to develop only when conditions are right. A seed will remain dormant, or inert, until moisture and temperature are favorable for growth. Unfortunately, as humans, we don’t always have the luxury of growing when conditions are just right. Sometimes you must cultivate personal growth and  flower where you’re planted, often in spite of external circumstances.
I learned many years ago that it is almost always better to be thankful rather than sorry. I used to say, "I'm sorry" anytime something went wrong. I said it habitually—even when I did nothing wrong. I simply over-apologized when I had no reason to be sorry. One day, I decided to say something different. I decided to be thankful and not sorry.
Are you living each new day with the goal of being a better version of yourself than you were the day before? If you are working toward self-actualization and personal fulfillment, learning from your life experiences, and navigating challenges with grace, you can begin to manifest a better version of yourself.