
Quotes on Addiction, Addiction Recovery

Addiction quotes, addiction recovery quotes that provide inspiration and insight into the world of addiction. View addiction quotes on shareable images.

Addiction Quotes to Think About

Addiction quotes, addiction recovery quotes that provide inspiration and insight into the world of addiction. These addiction quotes, set against an artistic image, can be shared on your website, blog or social page.

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There is no shame in beginning again, for you get a chance to build bigger and better than before.

“There is no shame in beginning again, for you get a chance to build bigger and better than before.”

Addiction recovery includes relapse and restarts. Fortunately, there is help for addiction relapse, including food addiction relapse and prevention of alcohol relapse.


Recovery is not a race. You don't have to feel guilty if it takes you longer than you thought it would.

“Recovery is not a race. You don't have to feel guilty if it takes you longer than you thought it would.”

There are dangers that can lead to a relapse, and being aware of them can help you shorten your recovery. However, knowing some dangerous triggers doesn't necessarily hasten recovery. Be patient.


When you can stop, you don't want to. And when you want to stop, you can't. That's addiction.

“When you can stop, you don't want to. And when you want to stop, you can't. That's addiction.”

Drug dependency is when addiction takes over your bodily functions and you can't live without the substance (it is possible to detox). But you don't have to be dependent on a drug to be addicted to it.


Addiction is a disease that makes you too selfish to see the havoc you created or care about the people whose lives you have shattered.

“Addiction is a disease that makes you too selfish to see the havoc you created or care about the people whose lives you have shattered.”

What happens to the family when addiction becomes part of it? The consequences are often destructive and emotionally devastating. However, addicts cannot see it.



You don’t get over an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.

“You don’t get over an addiction by stopping using. You recover by creating a new life where it is easier to not use. If you don’t create a new life, then all the factors that brought you to your addiction will catch up with you again.”

What does cause addiction? A person's psychology, genetics and environment all play a part. It makes sense that you would have to change your psychology and environment to end the addiction forever.


The worst part about anything, that’s self-destructive is that it’s so intimate. You become so close with your addictions and illnesses that leaving them behind is like killing the part of yourself that taught you how to survive.

“The worst part about anything that’s self-destructive is that it’s so intimate. You become so close with your addictions and illnesses that leaving them behind is like killing the part of yourself that taught you how to survive.”

Yes, saying goodbye to addiction is scary and difficult (to say the least). But there is drug abuse help and substance abuse treatment to help you through. Look up addiction facilities in your area to help ease the process of recovery.


No one is immune from addiction; it afflicts people of all ages, races, classes, and professions.

"No one is immune from addiction; it afflicts people of all ages, races, classes, and professions."

Addiction can descend on anyone, it's true. You can't recognize an addict by how they look or what they do for a living. 


People who have never had an addiction don't understand how hard it can be.

"People who have never had an addiction don't understand how hard it can be."

What is drug addiction anyway? Many people think they know, but don't. It's impossible to know the depth of pain and the difficulty of sobriety facing an addict (of any kind).


Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside.

"Addiction is the only prison where the locks are on the inside."

You might feel locked into the life you're leading, but there is help for drug addiction. Bravely reach out for support. You'll be surprised at who holds your hand.


Addiction makes you blind to your reality.

"Addiction makes you blind to your reality."

All kinds of addictions make you blind to reality: gambling addiction, food addiction, sex addiction and Internet addiction are but a small selection.


I'm afraid of what I'm doing to myself. But I can't seem to stop.

"I'm afraid of what I'm doing to myself. But I can't seem to stop."

The effects of meth, opioids side-effects, the effects of alcohol and the effects of many other drugs are all quite scary. It goes to show how powerful addiction is when you worry about yourself but can't stop the behavior that is hurting you.


Recovery: It will be challenging. It will also be worth it. You will relapse, and that's ok, as long as you keep fighting.

"Recovery: It will be challenging. It will also be worth it. You will relapse, and that's ok, as long as you keep fighting."

Do you know the signs and symptoms of an alcoholic relapse? Knowing them may prevent relapse and reduce the challenge of recovery.


Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.

"Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it."

Self-medication of a mental health problem is common. If your thoughts and feelings get in the way of living your life and you've taken up drugs or alcohol to silence them, you are self-medicating. Unfortunately, the pain will still be there when you sober up.


One step at a time. One day at a time. One hour at a time.

"One step at a time. One day at a time. One hour at a time."

Support groups for alcoholism, drug abuse, and addiction often espouse the idea that anything is easier to do if you do it one hour at a time.


The chains of alcohol are too light to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

"The chains of alcohol are too light to be felt until they are too strong to be broken."

The effects of drug abuse are varied and many; blindness to reality is one. What started to help one get through the day becomes something that becomes part of every day. Addiction happens insidiously and you don't see it until it's too late.


At the root of all addiction is pain.

"At the root of all addiction is pain."

The causes of addiction vary. If you look at the causes of your substance abuse, you may face some uncomfortable truths. But if you do take a good look, you can heal.


I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say 'Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.'

"I guess the worst day I have had was when I had to stand up in rehab in front of my wife and daughter and say 'Hi, my name is Sam and I am an addict.'"

Rehab for substance addiction can be rough--people must expand their comfort zones and do things they normally wouldn't. 


I used to think a drug addict was someone who lived on the far edges of society. Wild-eyed, shaven-headed and living in a filthy squat. That was until I became one...

"I used to think a drug addict was someone who lived on the far edges of society. Wild-eyed, shaven-headed and living in a filthy squat. That was until I became one..."

Both male and female addicts face stigma. Society's idea of who addicts are needs to change. Slowly but surely, it is.


The initial journey towards sobriety is a delicate balance between insight into one's desire for escape and abstinence from one's addiction.

"The initial journey towards sobriety is a delicate balance between insight into one's desire for escape and abstinence from one's addiction."

Insight into why you want to abstain from your drug of choice, and what turns you back to it, is important. There will be distractions, such as sleep problems in early sobriety, which can weaken your resolve if you aren't prepared with self-knowing.


Recovery is a process. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes everything you've got.

"Recovery is a process. It takes time. It takes patience. It takes everything you've got."

Your attitude and lead to a drug relapse if you aren't careful of your thoughts. Be patient with yourself and take recovery little by little. You can succeed, and if you don't at first, keep trying.

More Quotes on Addiction and Addiction Recovery

There are many quotes on addiction and addiction recovery. The following quotes are sure to speak to you whether you're in the throes of addiction or making peace in addiction recovery. Take a look.

"Before you can break out of prison, you must realize you are locked up.”


“It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.”


“Don't compare your progress with that of others. We all need our own time to travel our own distance.”


“There are all kinds of addicts, I guess. We all have pain. And we all look for ways to make the pain go away.”


“Make your own recovery the first priority in your life.”


“An over-indulgence of anything, even something as pure as water, can intoxicate.”


"Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Your problems today are still your problems tomorrow.”


“The more you engage in any type of emotion or behavior, the greater your desire for it will become.”


"It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble there lies your treasure."


"The more you engage in any type of emotion or behavior the greater your desire for it will become".


"Not feeling is no replacement for reality. Your problems today are still your problems tomorrow."


"So often survivors have had their experiences denied, trivialized, or distorted. Writing is an important avenue for healing because it gives you the opportunity to define your own reality."


"I am convinced now that virtually every destructive behavior and addiction I battled off and on for years was rooted in my insecurity."


"You have no idea how easy it is to fall back into the darkness."


"It will hurt. It will take time. It will require dedication, willpower, and sacrifice. You will need to push your body to its max. There will be temptation. But I promise it's worth it."


"Recovery is an acceptance that your life is in shambles and you have to change it."


"Addiction is a family disease. One person may use, but the whole family suffers."


"You wake up every morning to fight the same demons that left you so tired the night before."


"It's not the drugs that make a drug addict, it's the need to escape reality."


"Once the enabling stops, the recovery is given the opportunity to start."


"We don't choose to be addicted; what we choose to do is deny our pain."


"Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn't mean you have to stay there."


"There's not a drug on Earth that can make your life meaningful."


"Shame was an emotion he had abandoned years earlier. Addicts know no shame. You disgrace yourself so many times you become immune to it."


"It's a beautiful day to be sober."


"I didn't even know I was addicted. Until I tried to stop."


"There's not a drug on Earth that can make life meaningful."


"Wine is a treacherous friend who you must always be on guard for."


"One drink is too many for me and a thousand not enough."


"Addiction should never be treated as a crime. It has to be treated as a health problem. We do not send alcoholics to jail in this country. Over 500,000 people are in our jails who are nonviolent drug users."


"It is not I who become addicted, it is my body."


"The thing about addiction is, it never ends well. Because eventually, whatever it is that was getting us high, stops feeling good, and starts to hurt. Still, they say you don't kick the habit until you hit rock bottom. But how do you know when you are there? Because no matter how badly a thing is hurting us, sometimes, letting it go hurts even worse."


"Addiction is a monster; it lives inside, and feeds off of you, takes from you, controls you, and destroys you. It is a beast that tears you apart, rips out your soul, and laughs at your weakness. It is a stone wall that stands to keep you in and the rest out. It is a shadow that always lurks behind you, waiting to strike. Addiction lives in everyone's mind, sitting, staring, waiting..."


"I took more hell for being fat than I did for being an absolute raging drug addict. I will never understand that."


"Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life."


"People are not addicted to alcohol or drugs, they are addicted to escaping reality."


"You don't have to be ready to recover, you need only to be willing."


"It was the hardest boyfriend I ever had to break up with."


"The priority of any addict is to anesthetize the pain of living to ease the passage of day with some purchased relief."


"It is impossible to understand addiction without asking what relief the addict finds, or hopes to find, in the drug or the addictive behavior."


"When you're an addict, you can go without feeling anything except drunk or stoned or hungry. Still, when you compare this to other feelings, to sadness, anger, fear, worry, despair, and depression, well, an addiction no longer looks so bad. It looks like a very viable option."


"I drink to stay warm, and to kill selected memories..."


"First you take a drink, then the drink takes a drink, then the drink takes you."


"Drunkenness is temporary suicide."


"One trait of addictive families is that we never recognize our own addictions."


"One reason I don't drink is that I want to know when I am having a good time."


"That's all drugs and alcohol do, they cut off your emotions in the end."


"Children are often the silent victims of drug abuse."


"Addiction is a serious disease; it will end with jail, mental institutions, or death."


"Imagine trying to live without air. Now imagine something worse."

APA Reference
Gluck, S. (2013, January 29). Quotes on Addiction, Addiction Recovery, HealthyPlace. Retrieved on 2025, February 6 from

Last Updated: April 3, 2020

Medically reviewed by Harry Croft, MD

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